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program for the CosmoPlMeeting2006 on 19-20 May 2006, TCfA, UMK, Toruń

Please correct this page - add your name, remove your name, or even reorganise it so that the scientific flow is more meaningful, or fix up the times so that there is sufficient discussion time, time for coffee/lunch/dinner etc.

To correct this page, first you need to twiki register at TWikiRegistration (or link at the top) - you just need first/last name, email address and make up some password (a low security password is OK unless you're paranoid). And then come back to this page and click on edit. Syntax help is at TWikiShorthand (link at top Twiki language). And once you've made your changes, click preview and if you're happy save.

As of 3 April, this is just a first guess at a program. Please add in your talk or talks of people emailing to cosmo-spotka and help this program take shape. -- BoudRoukema - 03 Apr 2006


Friday 19 May @Piwnice: Katedra Radio Astronomii, Centrum Astronomii

Saturday 20 @Instytut Fizyki


Friday 19 May 09:00-17:00

09:00 online cosmocoffee workshop

moderator: Boud Roukema - http://www.cosmocoffee.info - abstract: CosmoPlMeeting2006CosmoCoffee

11:00 real coffee/tea

11:30 A Big-Rip (phantom) scenario and an exotic future of the Universe

Mariusz Dąbrowski (U Szczecin) - abstract: CosmoPlMeeting2006Dabrowski

12:30 lunch

14:00 AGN recycling - birth and death

Andrzej Marecki (UMK Toruń) - abstract: CosmoPlMeeting2006Marecki

15:00 real coffee/tea

15:30 Claims of dark matter detection: DAMA/NaI and INTEGRAL

Agnieszka Szaniewska (UMK Toruń) - abstract: CosmoPlMeeting2006Szaniewska

Saturday 20 May 09:00-17:00

09:00 Tuning the Lambda-CDM cosmology: long range scalar DM interactions

(Wojtek Hellwing (CAMK) - abstract: CosmoPlMeeting2006Hellwing)

10:30 coffee

11:00 Cosmic Topological Dark Energy?

Boud Roukema (UMK Toruń) - abstract: CosmoPlMeeting2006Roukema

12:30 lunch

14:00 DE - Chaplygin gas, vacuum decaying cosm constant, Cardassian models

Włodek Godłowski (OA-UJagelloński) - abstract: CosmoPlMeeting2006Godlowski (click on the znak pytanie to create the page)

15:00 coffee


Kto robi co? Who is interested in what subject? See: CosmoPeople
Topic revision: r18 - 19 May 2006, BoudRoukema
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