hi cosmo-pl,
Here are two 2014 FR-based cosmo meetings that you might find interesting. Announcement "3." below is in French, but if you paste the URL into a browser, you'll see that the program looks like it will very likely be in English. One PL-based participant is already listed in the preliminary program.
pozdr Boud
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Date: Mon, 25 Nov 2013 12:52:10 +0100 From: Secrétariat SF2A
Message SF2A No 584 - 25/11/13
Cliquez sur ce lien si le message ne s'affiche pas correctement: http://www.sf2a.eu/?article508
--------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3. Hot topics in Modern Cosmology: Spontaneous Workshop VIII - 12-17 mai 2014, IESC Cargèse 4. IAUS306: statistical challenges in 21st century cosmology - 26-29 mai 2014, Lisbonne ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
--------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3. Hot topics in Modern Cosmology: Spontaneous Workshop VIII - 12-17 mai 2014, IESC Cargèse ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
L'atelier SW8 se tiendra la semaine du 12 mai 2013 à l'institut d'études scientifiques de Cargèse. Il a pour objectif de rassembler des spécialistes en physique des particules, astrophysique et cosmologie pour débattre sur des problèmes émergents en vue de perspectives innovantes. Il se singularise des ateliers traditionnels par le fait que le programme est précisé seulement une semaine avant sa tenue, sur la base des conférences proposées par les participants. Le nombre de participants n'excède pas 30 et le nombre d'exposés est choisi de sorte à favoriser les échanges.
Pour plus d'information se rendre sur ce site web : http://www.cpt.univ-mrs.fr/~cosmo/SW_2014/SW8.html
Transmis par Roland Triay
--------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4. IAUS306: statistical challenges in 21st century cosmology - 26-29 mai 2014, Lisbonne ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
The IAU Symposium 306 on Statistical Challenges in 21st Century Cosmology will take place in Lisbon, Portugal from 26-29 May 2014, with a tutorial day on 25 May.
Full exploitation of the very large surveys of the Cosmic Microwave Background, Large-Scale Structure, weak gravitational lensing and future 21cm surveys will require use of the best statistical techniques to answer the major cosmological questions of the 21st century, such as the nature of Dark Energy and gravity. Thus it is timely to emphasise the importance of inference in cosmology, and to promote dialogue between astronomers and statisticians. This has been recognized by the creation of the IAU Working Group in Astrostatistics and Astroinformatics in 2012. IAU Symposium 306 will be devoted to problems of inference in cosmology, from data processing to methods and model selection, and will have an important element of cross-disciplinary involvement from the statistics communities.
You are invited to submit an abstract for a contributed talk or poster for the meeting, via the meeting website (http://sccc21.sim.ul.pt). The deadline for abstract submission is 21st March 2014. Full information on the scientific rationale, programme, proceedings, critical dates, and local arrangements will be on the symposium web site.
Transmis par Alberto Krone-Martins