[Cosmo-media] festiwal nauki (fwd)

Boud Roukema boud at astro.uni.torun.pl
Wed Apr 14 16:25:26 CEST 2004

On Wed, 14 Apr 2004, Bartosz Lew wrote:

> another interesting thing for simple inflation models and against topology
> would be the lack of non-gaussian signal in WMAP map at lest downto the
> threshold of the sensitivity.


four legs good, two legs bad;
four legs good, two legs bad;
four legs good, two legs bad;
four legs good, two legs bad;
four legs good, two legs bad;
four legs good, two legs bad;
four legs good, two legs bad;
four legs good, two legs bad;
four legs good, two legs bad;
four legs good, two legs bad;
four legs good, two legs bad;
four legs good, two legs bad;

(Please read the above out aloud to make sure you've learnt it properly.)

So: How many legs are good?

Lots of people have found non-gaussian signal in WMAP data!!!

If you look at page 8 of astro-ph/0402608 (i recommend this as quite
an interesting paper to read), you'll see a reference to:

Detection of non-Gaussianity in the WMAP 1-year data using spherical
wavelets - P. Vielva, E. Martinez-Gonzalez, R. B. Barreiro,
J. L. Sanz, L. Cayon

And if you look at:
you'll also find:

multipole vector analysis of WMAP data in favour of non-Gaussianity and cross-correlations of fluctuations on scales 2 < l < 8
http://de.arXiv.org/abs/astro-ph/0310511 #

Non-Gaussianity of the derived maps from the first-year WMAP data
Authors: Lung-Yih Chiang (1), Pavel D. Naselsky (1,2), Oleg V. Verkhodanov (1,3), Michael J. Way

Wavelets and WMAP non-Gaussianity - Pia Mukherjee, Yun Wang
(posted on astro-ph just a few minutes before our article!)

gaussianity good, non-gaussianity bad;
gaussianity good, non-gaussianity bad;
gaussianity good, non-gaussianity bad;
gaussianity good, non-gaussianity bad;
gaussianity good, non-gaussianity bad;
gaussianity good, non-gaussianity bad;

Remember to say this before you go to sleep each night.

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