[Cosmo-pl] ICGAC10 @Quy-Nhon 17-22 December 2011; compact objects/ASTROSAT @Mysore 14-22 July 2012

Boud Roukema boud w astro.uni.torun.pl
Pon, 19 Wrz 2011, 13:55:51 CEST

hi cosmo-pl

Two conference announcements - a general cosmo/gravity meeting in Vietnam,
and a compact objects + ASTROSAT (Indian project) meeting in India.


> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> Date: Mon, 19 Sep 2011 10:52:45 +0200
> Message SF2A No 483 - 19/09/11
> Sur le web: http://www.sf2a.asso.fr/spip.php?rubrique7
>            http://www.sf2a.asso.fr/spip.php?article347

7. Les Rencontres du Vietnam - Xth International Conference on
   Gravitation, Astrophysics and Cosmology (ICGAC10),
   December 17-22, 2011 , Quy-Nhon, Vietnam

ICGAC10 is part of a series of biennial conferences on Gravitation,
Astrophysics and Cosmology which take place in the Asia-Pacific area
with the following goals:
- to encourage cooperation among the member countries within an
international context
- to promote advanced studies on emerging topics
- to encourage young physicists to enter  these fields.

The first meeting was initiated by Prof. Yong Min Cho, one of the
founders of the APCTP at SNU in 1993.  This conference is organized in
Vietnam with the help of "Les Rencontres du Vietnam"(*), whose aim is
to promote scientific education and research in Vietnam.

The ICGAC10 program will consist of oral presentations in plenary and
parallel sessions, with review talks on specific topics given by
leading researchers. Debates on controversial issues will be
programmed during the conference.  Poster contributions are welcome,
and will be posted up during the entire week.

Topics include:
- Experimental studies of gravity
- Quantum gravity
- Gravitational waves
- Black holes, Wormholes
- Strings, Branes and Extra dimensions
- Numerical Relativity
- Cosmology, Dark matter, Dark energy
- Relativistic Astrophysics
- Astroparticle Physics, Cosmic rays
- Astronomical and space-research instrumentation

More details can be found on the conference website:

(*) The "Rencontres du Vietnam" association have organized at
infrequent intervals during the last 10 years meetings in Vietnam on
various scientific topics, ranging from particle physics to biology
and astrophysics.  These meetings take the form of high profile
international conferences, and have in the past brought together some
of the world's leading specialists on the subjects treated.

Transmis par Ludwik Celnikier

8. 9th COSPAR Scientific Assembly: "Multi-wavelength Studies of
   Compact Objects with Focus on ASTROSAT",
   14-22 July, 2012, Mysore, India

This is the first announcement for an event (E1.3) of the 39th COSPAR
Scientific Assembly to be held in Mysore, India during 14-22 July,
2012.  Abstract submission period: 19 August 2011 to 10 February 2012.

X-ray binaries and Active Galactic Nuclei provide us a unique
opportunity to explore the properties of matter in extreme conditions
and test fundamental physical theories in extreme environments. These
objects emit across the wavelengths, and hence multi-wavelength
studies of them will be useful to probe, among other things,
high-density degenerate matter, theories of gravitation in the strong
field regime and the inflow-outflow (disk-jet-wind) mechanism. The
Indian astronomy satellite ASTROSAT will perform simultaneous
observations from optical to hard X-ray, monitor the sky for X-ray
transient activities, and detect and study the rapid variability of
these sources. This session aims to include the new theoretical and
observational results, as well as reviews, related to accreting
neutron stars and black holes (stellar-mass and super-massive) at
wavelengths relevant to ASTROSAT, and complementary studies in other
wavelengths. The session will also include presentations on the
effective ways to use ASTROSAT, including joint observations with
other space-based and ground instruments.

Duration: 3 half-days

Website: http://www.cospar-assembly.org/

Invited speakers: To be announced soon.

The precise dates of the event will be announced as soon as they are

Transmis par Didier Barret

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