[Cosmo-pl] Drifting through the Cosmic Web, 6-11.VII.2015 @Aix-en-Provence, France

Boud Roukema boud w astro.uni.torun.pl
Wto, 13 Sty 2015, 17:05:55 CET

The goal of this conference is to gather theorists, simulators and
observers to brainstorm over the structure of the cosmic web and its
influence on galaxy properties. In particular we wish to address the
following points:

-our theoretical understanding of the cosmic web, its dynamics and
evolution (3D structure of the dark matter field, impact of the nature
of dark matter on structure formation, mechanism of acquisition of
angular momentum of collapsed structures, the dynamics and persistence
of cold streams);

- the characterization of the components of the cosmic web, i.e. nodes,
filaments, walls and voids: what are the different techniques to
extract them from simulations and observations?

- Numerical predictions and observational signatures of the influence of
the cosmic web on galaxy properties (cold streams, cosmic gas
accretion as regulator of star-formation and galaxy growth, CGM
physics, feedback, metal enrichment);

- Challenges: 3D spectroscopy, HI surveys, reconstruction of density
fields from galaxy surveys, zoom-in techniques in simulation.

Questions and comments should be sent to: aix2015 lam.fr 
Web site available here : http://aix2015.lam.fr/

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