[Cosmo-pl] Cosmo School w Kielce 11.07-24.07.2016: reg deadline 01(15).06.2016

Boud Roukema boud w astro.uni.torun.pl
Śro, 16 Mar 2016, 23:01:14 CET

On Sun, 28 Jun 2015, Boud Roukema wrote:

> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> Cosmology School - Introduction to Cosmology
> Kielce, Poland 15.07-25.07.2015

And again in 2016:


The general purpose of the Second Cosmology School in Kielce is to give
> an introduction to the current knowledge in cosmology, both in theory
> and observations. This School is intended for undergraduate and PhD
> students, as well as young postdoctoral researchers, interested in
> these fields.

Topics: Cosmology from Gamma Ray Bursts; Cosmological parameters after
PLANCK; Cosmic Web; Star formation, dust attenuation; Modelling galaxy
SEDs; Galaxy evolution; Galaxy clusters; Cosmological simulations;
Virtual Observatory; X-ray universe; Cosmology from weak lensing;
Cosmic magnetic fields; Radio universe; Dust in galaxies

Lecturers: Marek Biesiada (UŚ, Katowice, Poland); Maciej Bilicki
(University of Leiden, Netherlands); Véronique Buat (LAM, Marseille,
France); Denis Burgarella (LAM, Marseille, France); Gianfranco de
Zotti (INAF Padova and Trieste, Italy); Michał Hanasz (UMK, Torun,
Poland); Wojciech Hellwing (Durham University, Great Britain); Marek
Jamrozy (UJ, Krakow, Poland); Jacek Krełowski (UMK, Torun, Poland);
Elena Panko (OA, Nikolaev, Ukraine); Agnieszka Pollo (UJ, Krakow and
NCBJ, Warszawa, Poland); Agata Różańska (CAMK, Warszawa, Poland);
Leszek Sokołowski (UJ, Krakow, Poland); Tsutomu Takeuchi (Nagoya
University, Japan); Rien van de Weijgaert (University of Groningen,

> Organisers: PTA, UJK, UJ
Honorary Chairman: Piotr Flin; SOC: Agnieszka Pollo (UJ, Krakow and
NCBJ, Warszawa), Marek Jamrozy (UJ, Krakow), Janusz Krywult (UJK,
Kielce); LOC: Monika Biernacka, Marcin Drabik, Janusz Krywult - UJK,


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