Physics News Update 638 (fwd) - ABOUT CONVENTIONAL THEORY OF DM

Sebastian Soberski ssober w
Pią, 23 Maj 2003, 09:44:45 CEST

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Date: Fri, 23 May 2003 09:37:55 +0200 (MET DST)
From: Sebastian Soberski <ssober w>
To: shspe-univ w
Subject: Physics News Update 638 (fwd)...ABOUT CONVENTIONAL THEORY OF DM.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Thu, 22 May 2003 13:55:27 -0400
From: physnews w
Subject: Physics News Update 638

The American Institute of Physics Bulletin of Physics News
Number 638 May 22, 2003   by Phillip F. Schewe, Ben Stein, and James

THE CONVENTIONAL THEORY OF DARK MATTER just got some potent support
from a new batch of observations to be reported by scientists from
the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) this week at a meeting in the
Canary Islands.  One of the main reasons for believing in the
existence of non-luminous matter is that the motions of galaxies
within galaxy clusters and the motions of matter around individual
galaxies seems to defy conventional celestial mechanics. Either
plenty of extra (but unconventional) mass must lurk in the vicinity
of the galaxies (the dark matter theory) or the known laws of
physics might be in need of amendment (the theory known as modified
Newtonian dynamics, or MOND).  Scrutinizing a subset of 3000
galaxies (from Sloan's inventory of 250,000 galaxies) with satellite
galaxies in tow, the researchers' profile of satellite velocities
supported the dark matter theory and discounted the MOND idea.  (See
the Sloan website at

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