[Shape-univ] bleee 20th hour

Bartosz Lew blew w astro.uni.torun.pl
Pon, 14 Lut 2005, 10:30:29 CET

czesc Boud.

Listen if you want to move in to 36 I think I would be good idea you talk
to Marek Gleba if he has some switch because there is only one inet cable
so it won't do for us two.

eemmm, I'm about to finish my own versio of a program that calculates
circles on the sky for dodecahedron. :) I was just wandering about
the correlator you used. I have 2 remarks:

1) circles of different sizes are represented by different number of
pixels. so naturally bigger circles will have bigger S value that the
smaller because there is just simply more terms to sum over. like T_i*T_j
from 'upper' and 'lower' circle. I'm trying to use the same correlator but
normalized to one pixes - i.e. I divide each S value (for each individual
circle) by the number of pixels that go into it. What do you think about
that ?

2) I'm a bit worried about the fact that you don't use absolue values in
the \delta T_i and \delta T_j. Imagine a fluctuations aroud the circle in
shape of just a linear function T(dist_along_circle=d) ~ d and indentical
in the opposite circle.  whaen you correlate this you get zero - that's not
much. I know it's not a prove but looks a bit worrying to me,since
probably some , any random fluctuations can generate S > 0, while for the
perfect match we get S=0. So I indent to use abs(T_i)*abs(T_j) (except
from the normalization thing).

at the moment the program don't work yet - still debuging :/


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