[Shape-univ] 0.1.17 - phase of best match (generalised from -36, 0, +36)

Boud Roukema boud w astro.uni.torun.pl
Śro, 16 Lut 2005, 18:56:34 CET



jest przygotowy.

Mo¿esz u¿ywaæ opcja  -D  ¿eby produkowaæ wykresy i wtedy najintersuj±ce s±

gs s_rot_*[tf].ps

Pokazuj± S i \sigma dla rozwi±zanie w astro-ph/0402608, oko³o tych 6 okrêgi,
ale zamiast tylko fazy -36.0 deg, 0.0 deg i +36.0 deg, jest dla

 -36.0 deg + beta

gdzie beta jest faza miedzy 0 i 360 deg. Je¶li hypoteza jest dobra, musi
byæ maksimum S na 0 i minimum \sigma na 0 deg.  Wydaje mi siê ¿e jest
to prawda: maks S i min \sigma s± na 0 deg. Oczywi¶cie, to nie *wystarczy*
pokazywaæ ¿e hypoteza jest dobra, ale najmniej jest to spójny.

s_rot_stat.ps -> S
s_rot_diff.ps -> \sigma

BTW, tu jest program warsztatu w Pary¿u - Bartek i ja bêdziemy tam.



Workshop "Cosmic Topology between WMAP and PLANCK : Facts and Theories"
Observatoire de Paris-Meudon, CIAS
8-10 march 2005

Preliminary Program

Tuesday 8 March : Topology and CMB

10.00 - J.-P. Luminet : Opening address - Cosmic topology, New Challenges

10.45 -  Coffee break

11.00 - G. Starkman : Looking for the topology=20
of the universe using circles in the sky

11.45 - B. Roukema : The Poincar=E9 dodecahedral=20
manifold and matched circles in the first-year=20

12.30 - Discussion and Lunch

14.30 - S. Lustig: CMB Anisotropy of Spherical Spaces

15.15 - A. Riazuelo : The State-of-the-Art of CMB=20
simulations in multiconnected spaces.

16.00 - Coffee Break

16.15 - F. Steiner: CMB Anisotropy of Hyperbolic Spaces

17.00 - General Discussion

Wednesday 9 March. Mathematical Methods for Multiconnected Spaces.

10.00 - J. Weeks : Mathematics of Multipoles - Ideas New and Old

10.45 -  Coffee break

11.00 - M. Lachieze-Rey :  A few remarks on Multipole Vectors

11.45 - J . Gundermann : Eigenmodes in spherical=20
spaces, the case of S3, S3/I*, S3/T* and S3/O*.

12.30 - Discussion and Lunch

14.30 - M. Lachieze-Rey :  Mathematical methods=20
for eigenmodes in spherical spaces

15.15 - S. Caillerie : Computation of eigenmodes=20
in Spherical Dodecahedral Space

16.00 - Coffee Break and Discussion

Thursday 10 March. Crystallography and Other Methods. Open Discussion.

10.00 - M. Reboucas : title to come

10.45 -  Coffee break

11.00 - G. Starkman  : The statistical isotropy=20
of the microwave background, or is the low-l=20
microwave background really cosmic?

11.45 - B. Lew : Tests of non-gaussian features=20
of CMBR in WMAP map as hints for non trivial=20

12.30 - Discussion and Lunch

14.30 - B. Roukema : Cosmic crystallography using=20
short-lived objects - active galactic nuclei

15.15 - A. Riazuelo : CMB Polarization in multiconnected spaces.

16.00 - Final Discussion

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