From boud w Mon Mar 13 15:18:19 2006 From: boud w (Boud Roukema) Date: Mon, 13 Mar 2006 15:18:19 +0100 (CET) Subject: [Shape-univ] Cosmo/LicMagTematy Message-ID: Witam Andrzej, wszystkich, Andrzej Strobel asked for licencjat/magisterki themes. So i've slightly updated Andrzej: below is my proposed text. pozdr boud ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Observational Cosmology Masters/Licencjat Project - General Outline Description: There are many possible projects which could be done as a master's thesis project, in using publicly available archival data from observational surveys to constrain one or more of the local or global cosmological parameters, either those related to shape (curvature, topology) or maybe also those unrelated to shape ("dark energy" or "dark matter"). The precise projects would be chosen in discussion with the masters/licencjat students. Please see for projects that the cosmology group is working on and for ideas on the hottest topics in cosmology research - any of these would be appropriate if the student is sufficiently interested. Some examples are on General Requirements: * basic knowledge in astronomy, physics, mathematics, computing skills * desire to measure something about the shape of the Universe and/or dark matter or dark energy or other observational cosmology * willingness both to learn from and to teach others interested in observational cosmology at TCfA * willingness to learn the following practical skills: touch-typing, emacs, \LaTeX, usage of wikis and/or mailing lists for communication, GPL compatible programming * participation in the "Shape of the Universe" monograph course and/or Bronek Rudak's semester 9 "Kosmologia" course: o o * Nie ma problemu jeśli student magistera lub licjencacki (jeszcze) nie dobrze mówi po angielsku, ale potrzeba znać czytać i rozumieć angielskie tekst, np na ----------------------------------------------------------------------