Polynomial order

Let P(x) be an irreducible polynomial of degree d>1 over a prime finite field FFp. The order of P is the smallest positive integer n such that P(x) divides xn-1. n is also equal to the multiplicative order of any root of P. It is a divisor of pd-1. P is a primitive polynomial if n=pd-1.

This tool allows you to enter a polynomial and compute its order. If you enter a reducible polynomial, the orders of all its non-linear factors will be computed and presented.

Enter your polynomial: ( Help: how to enter a polynomial )

Over the finite field FFp of characteristics p = .

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Description: computes the order of an irreducible polynomial over a finite field Fp. interactive exercises, online calculators and plotters, mathematical recreation and games

Keywords: interactive mathematics, interactive math, server side interactivity, algebra, coding, polynomial, finite field, irreducible, root, order, cyclic code