Begin forwarded message:

From: Maciej Bilicki <>
Subject: Re: [CCG] Fwd: Science workshop ESOGPT24: First announcement
Date: 14 February 2024 at 16:40:05 CET
To: Gursharanjit Kaur <>
Cc: Computational Cosmology <>

On Wed, Feb 14, 2024 at 4:25 PM Gursharanjit Kaur <> wrote:

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Denisa Tako <>
Date: Wed, 14 Feb 2024 at 16:12
Subject: Science workshop ESOGPT24: First announcement


ESO Online Workshop 
Hey GPT! Can you help me understand the Universe? 
A synoptic view of the impact of chatGPT-like technologies on the future of astronomy 
Venue: Virtual (hosted by ESO)  
Dates: 23 - 27 September 2024  
Workshop e-mail: 


ESO is pleased to announce the conference “Hey GPT! Can you help me understand the Universe?” from 23 to 27 September 2024. The conference will be held fully online (as a Zoom meeting and broadcast live on YouTube). 
We anticipate the live programme to start around 2 pm CEST and finish around 6 pm CEST.  

Important dates  

Abstract submission: 31 May 2024 
Registration deadline: 13 September 2024  
Conference dates: 23 - 27 September 2024 from 2pm to 6pm CEST  


The conference, aimed primarily at astronomers, will focus on the impact of generative Artificial Intelligence (AI) and large language models (LLM), such as the generative pre-trained transformer (GPT) languages, on science and mostly on astronomy. The invited speakers cover a diverse set of professional skills and will help the astronomical community to gather a deeper understanding of what GPT-like language models mean and discuss on the impact (opportunities and challenges) of the use of AI on astronomy. The conference programme is structured as follows: 

·        Day 1:  international experts in computational linguistics and computer science will provide technical insight into GPT/LLM technologies to offer clarity in definitions and technical concepts related to the topic; 

·        Day 2: will focus on the use of GPT/LLM technology in astronomy; 

·        Day 3: guided by experts in cognitive psychology, we will explore the impact of (AI-) technologies on cognition; 

·        Day 4: will be dedicated to the use of GPT/LLM in evaluation/funding/hiring processes; 

·        Day 5: the conference will end with a discussion on the ethics of the use of GPT-like technologies and specifically the effect on the publication policies of professional journals. 


Format: an on-line conference 

The conference is scheduled to take place online (as a Zoom meeting) for 4 hours each day. The live program will likely start at 14:00 CEST and finish around 18:00 CEST.  
Each day of the conference will consist in a series of invited and contributed talks followed by 1 hour of open discussion between the speakers of the day and the attendees, moderated by  
the session chair. All registered participants will be able to actively contribute to the discussion. The event will be streamed live on YouTube.   

How to participate 

The participation to the web events can be done in two ways: 

·        Registered participant (with registration fee): you can register using the dedicated Registration Form. Registered Zoom participants will be able to attend the sessions and interact with the speakers via a Zoom meeting. An e-mail will be sent to you before the beginning of the event with the instructions on how to connect to the Zoom event. 

·        YouTube attendees (without registration fee): everyone can attend the workshop live on YouTube. You can still use the registration form to register to the mailing list of the conference. All YouTube attendees will be able to ask questions during the live event using a dedicated chat. We encourage you to subscribe to the channel to get automatic notifications each time a new Live Event starts.  Attendees who do not have a Google/YouTube account can send their questions using the dedicated form. 



The participation to the event via Zoom foresees a payment of a registration fee as follows: 

·        50 euro: post-doc and staff 

·        30 euro: PhD students 

Since everyone can participate for free on YouTube, we will waive the registration fee to a very limited number of participants who want to join via Zoom. If you want to ask for a waiver of the registration fee, please do so by sending an e-mail, including a justification for the request, to  
Please register before 13 September 2024, using the following link:  
List of topics and invited talks  
Details will be e-mailed to registered participants closer to the conference dates. 
More information is available on the conference web page at 

Scientific Organising Committee: 

Giacomo Beccari (ESO; Chair) 
Henri Boffin (ESO; co-Chair) 
Sandra Grinschgl (University of Graz, Department of Psychology, Austria) 
Gitta Kutyniok (Mathematisches Institut der Universität München, LMU, Germany) 
Sangeeta Mysore (ESO) 
Marie Jose Rain (ESO) 
Suzanne Ramsay (ESO) 
Paula Sanchez (ESO) 
Sean Sapcariu (Luxemburg National Research Fund) 



|     Dr. hab. Maciej Bilicki, prof. CFT PAN
|     Associate Professor
|     Computational Cosmology Group
|     Local coordinator of GeoPlanet & Warsaw-4-PhD doctoral schools
|     Center for Theoretical Physics, Polish Academy of Sciences
|     Warsaw, Poland