[Cos-top] Happy New +36 degree Year!

Marc Lachièze-Rey marclr at cea.fr
Fri Jan 4 18:28:21 CET 2008

hello Boud

thanks for your message.
I will look at your recent works
(I was quite out of topology these past times).

I wish you an happy new year

Le 4 janv. 08 à 17:51, Boud Roukema a écrit :

> hi everyone,
> i guess maybe only Marcelo on this list is feeling +36 degrees or so
> Celsius right now, but PDS +36 degrees seems now to at least
> qualitatively agree with Ralf, Frank and Sven's work and the  
> Caillerie et
> al. paper.
> http://arXiv.org/abs/0801.0006
> In other words, we managed to kill off our previous "hint" candidate,
> but another one better agreeing with other people's work has turned  
> up.
> Are we converging?
> Enjoy :).
> Best wishes for the New Year
> boud
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Marc Lachièze-Rey (marclr at cea.fr)

APC - Astroparticule et Cosmologie (UMR 7164)
  Universite Paris 7 Denis Diderot
  10, rue Alice Domon et Léonie Duquet  F-75205 Paris Cedex 13

pièce 416 B,  	tel           33 (0)1 57 27 60 89

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