[Cosmo-pl] DE+DM conference in Lyon (France) 7-11 July 2008 [fwd from sf2a]

Boud Roukema boud w astro.uni.torun.pl
Pon, 28 Sty 2008, 14:32:46 CET


>From the SF2A (French astro society).


> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> Date: Mon, 28 Jan 2008 14:05:27 +0100
> From: SF2A...

> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
> 9. Dark Energy and Dark Matter: First announcement of the CRAL/IPNL 2008
>    conference
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
> The Centre de Recherche Astrophysique de Lyon (CRAL) and Institut de
> Physique Nucléaire de Lyon (IPNL) are proud to announce the second
> international conference in the CRAL/IPNL Conference Series:
> "Dark Energy and Dark Matter: Observations, Experiments and Theories"
> to be held July 7-11, 2008 in the beautiful city of Lyon, France.
> http://cralconf.univ-lyon1.fr
> The conference will cover the following main themes (see further for
> the full rationale):
>   - Dark Energy:
>   	* Cosmology by Distance
>   	* CMB, Large Scale Structures and Baryon Acoustic Oscillations
>   	* Cosmology by the Growth of Structure
>   	* Relativistic Cosmology
>   - Dark Matter:
>   	* Astrophysical Evidence for Dark Matter
>   	* Theoretical Candidates and Models for Dark Matter
>   	* Direct and Indirect Searches for Particle Dark Matter
> Reviewers and invited speakers include:
> 	* Elena Aprile
> 	* Alain Blanchard
> 	* George Ellis
> 	* Kathy Freese
> 	* Syksy Rasanen
> 	* Subir Sarkar
> 	* Carlo Schimd
> 	* Brian Schmidt
> 	* Dominik Schwarz
> Registration will open on February 4 2008 and we encourage you to apply
> early. See our web site : http://cralconf.univ-lyon1.fr for information
> and registration.
> Transmis par The Local Organizing Committee
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------

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