[Cosmo-pl] Dark Side of the Universe 2014, 17-21.XI.2014, Cape Town

Boud Roukema boud w astro.uni.torun.pl
Wto, 22 Lip 2014, 17:35:32 CEST

Dark Side of the Universe 2014

    X International Workshop
    Surveying the Dark Side of the Universe - Theory and Observations
    17-21 November 2014  (Cape Town, South Africa)

    Follow us on Twitter @dsu2014
    Like us on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/dsu2014

The meeting  is in the  series of the  DSU workshops previously  held in
Seoul (2005),  Madrid (2006), Minnesota (2007),  Cairo (2008), Melbourne
(2009), Leon (2010),  Beijing (2011), Buzios, Rio de  Janeiro (2012) and
Trieste (2013).

For more information, see http://dark.ft.uam.es/dsu/

Topics of the workshop:

  Surveying the Dark Universe
  Dark Energy - beyond the Concordance Model
  Simulations of galaxies, clusters and the Universe
  Dark Matter candidates
  Modified Gravity

Speakers include (this will be updated on the website).

G. Bertone (University of Amsterdam),
C. Bonvin (Cambridge University),
C. de Rham (Case Western Reserve University),
R. Dave (University of the Western Cape),
R. Durrer (University of Geneva),
G. Ellis (University of Cape Town),
J. Kneib (EPFL),
O. Lahav (University College London),
S. Matarrese (Padova University) - TBC,
T. Medupe (University of the North West),
K. Moodley (University of KwaZulu Natal),
P. Patel (University of the Western Cape),
S. Razzaque (University of Johannesburg),
G. Starkmann (Case Western Reserve University),
J-P. Uzan (IHP, IAP),
C. Wetterich (University of Heidelberg).

International Committee

Pyungwon Ko (KIAS, South Korea), Carlos Mu?oz (UAM/IFT, Spain), Keith
Olive (Minnesota University, USA), Shaaban Khalil (BUE, Egypt), Csaba
Balazs (Monash University, Australia), David Delepine (Guanajuato
University, Mexico), Yu-Feng Zhou (KITPC/ITP-CAS, China), Qaisar Shafi
(Delaware University, USA), Christiane Frigerio Martins (S?o Paulo
University, Brasil), Paolo Salucci (SISSA, Italy).

Local Committee

Vinicius Busti (UCT), Vincent Bouillot (UCT), Chris Clarkson (UCT),
Sergio Colafrancesco (WITS), Peter Dunsby - Chair (UCT), Marc Lilley
(UCT), Roy Maartens (UWC), Diego Saez Gomez (UCT), Amanda Weltman (UCT).

Immediately after DSU2014, there will be a meeting hosted by the South
African Gravity Society (SAGS) to celebrate the 75th birthday of George
Ellis (24 November).  Please contact Roy Maartens
(roy.maartens w gmail.com) if you are interested in attending this event.
You can also register for SAGS at http://math.ukzn.ac.za/~sags2014

Important Dates:
Deadline for talk submissions: 1st October 2014
Workshop: 17th-21st November 2014
George Ellis at 75 and the South African Gravity Society Meeting: 24-25 
November 2014

Please feel free to forward this invitation to anyone you think might be
interested on DSU 2014.

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