[Cosmo-pl] COSMO21 - cosmo stats 24-27 May 2016 @Crete

Boud Roukema boud w astro.uni.torun.pl
Pon, 7 Gru 2015, 14:47:05 CET

> Message SF2A No 677 - 07/12/15
> ... http://www.sf2a.eu/?article639

2. Conférence "COSMO21" et "Astronomical Data Analysis summer school (ADA8)" - mai 2016, Chania, Crète

Following the first IAU symposium devoted to astrostatistics (Lisbon
2014), we announce the Statistical Challenges in 21st Century
Cosmology Conference (COSMO21), to be held in Chania, Crete, Greece,
May 24-27, 2016. More information is available on
this web page :


A summer school on Astronomical Data Analysis (ADA8 - http://ada8.cosmostat.org)
will take place just before the conference (22-24 May), at the same
venue and the COSMO21 registration includes the possibility to
participate in the ADA8 Summer School.

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