m$oft pc + projector ? for cafeplus this friday 10:20?

Michal Frackowiak michalf at ncac.torun.pl
Wed, 10 Dec 2003 14:42:03 +0100

I think you should hit directly to mr Rudak about the projector. it is 
his projector anyway ;-)
I have no access to any machine with a non-unix os. I doubt if jarek has...

does not pp has export to pdf????


Boud Roukema wrote:

>Cześć Michał, Jarek,
>   Motyl wants to present some of his radio galaxy results at Cafe
>Plus this Friday (10.20 fri 12.12.2003 @Rabiańska).  And he has it
>prepared as a M$oft powerpoint presentation (ouch!).
>Can you have a computer projector and a computer capable of reading
>power@%#^%$#!point for Fri morning, please?
>Motyl is on this list, so you can talk directly to him by replying to
>the cosmo-spotka list...
>Motyl: here is one explanation of how to use pdflatex/ppower4:
>You probably don't have time before Friday, but when you do have
>time, i can help you learn how to use it.
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