(1) proceedings (2) new lists (3) www link (4) Moriond

Andrzej Marecki amr w astro.uni.torun.pl
Wto, 5 Lut 2002, 13:16:36 CET

> (2) Andrzej M, could you please create the following three mailing
> lists on sympa, just copy all the initial properties of cosmo-torun

Done. (Sorry for being late.)

> (except for the htaccess file, these three should be with open access,
> so no htaccess file is needed), and I'll adjust things once you've
> made them and got the daemons running.

The .htaccess file is actually in /home/sympa/arc not in a particular list 
catalogue. Don't know whether I can move it elsewhere....

The daemons have been restarted.

> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> (3) I propose that on the left bar of the www.astro. ... page we have
> a yellow tage with something like "Cosmology group" pointing to
> .../sympa/ 
> so that people can easily find all four lists. If people agree, could
> someone do this? (Apparently vario w ... is the webmaster.)

Vario will do this.


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