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Boud Roukema boud w
Wto, 14 Paź 2003, 14:00:29 CEST

hmmm - OK - it's true that editing our paper should be a higher priority
for me...

i'll tell him we're working on it and should have something ready tomorrow...


On Tue, 14 Oct 2003, Andrzej Marecki wrote:

> > As i understand it, Łukasz is in a hurry - he'll ring back at 15.00 -
> > so i'll try to get a draft to the list within the next half hour or so.
> OK, but....
> Easy, slow down! Don't let those always-in-a-hurry media people make such a
> pressure on us. They notoriously use to think we are lying idle waiting for
> their phone calls. And when such a call from media comes we're most happy to
> put off immediately what we are working on at the moment and rush to write a
> PR for them - they seem to think. No, that's not true. We're (at least) as
> busy as they are!
> My advice: when he rings back at 15.00 tell him: tomorrow, jutro, demain,
> man'ana, bokra.... (The choice of the language at your discretion. ;)
> Nie dajmy się zwariować! (Can't translate it to English, sorry. ;-)
> A.

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