torus/klein bottle games :)

Boud Roukema boud w
Wto, 12 Mar 2002, 20:49:59 CET

   Rewording what I said on Friday, this is a lecture course where
instead of exams, the lecturer asks you to play games. :)

Witam, zagrajcie!

For those absent on Fri 8 Mar: we did a review of curvature for new
people, and then a quick introduction to topology.

This Friday (15 marca) I propose to get back to curvature (or more
strictly speaking, to the metric parameters, which include Omega_m,
Omega_Lambda and... w_Q, the quintessence parameter) and to explain
what Staszek, Gary and I did in:

and what I think can be done better and with other public data sets.

I think this should be enough to give everyone a feel for what needs
to be and/or can be done, and I propose that the following Friday,
22 March, we make a decision on which shape-of-the-Universe project
we wish to carry out, and start discussing how to organise this,
conceptual questions, programming concepts, etc.


PS: Pamiêtajcie: ta lista jest dla wszysce - wszystko mo¿e pisaæ na


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