This mainly includes %$\Omega_m$% and %$\Omega_\Lambda$%. The first (and possibly the only, so far) simultaneous constraint on both %$\Omega_m$% and %$\Omega_\La...
non dérivés des simulations #224; N corps ont aussi été utilisés avec des formules semi analytiques par KWG93. * RQP93: Roukema, Quinn Peterson (1993) htt...
Is the Universe finite or infinite (video)? Scientific models of the Universe are intended to satisfy the Einstein equation, which, roughly speaking, states that ...
The cosmology group at the Institute of Astronomy at NCU in Toruń (get to Piwnice) IC I (2011) / IC II (2017) / IC III (2018) (wiki) / inhom newsletter / ICIV...