We must recommend that participants try installing the packages and libraries before the session! Done. * Get started: http://bitbucket.org/broukema/ramses sca...
# first download the source files and debian patches and metadata: wget http://http.debian.net/debian/pool/main/s/splash/splash_2.8.0 1.dsc wget http://http.debia...
Cosmo.WebHome Feel free to add more notes here. Inhomogeneous Cosmologies III * Inhomogeneous Cosmologies III, 16 21 September 2018 at the Jagiellonian Un...
Cosmo.WebHome Inhomogeneous Cosmologies IV work space * For general IC IV community organising notes, see InhomCosmIV * older: 2017: CosmoTorun17Softw...
Cosmo.WebHome LATfield2 Gevolution tutorial For files, see https://bitbucket.org/broukema/cosmotorun19 . Using the tutorial examples Step 0 (optional) Fo...