rzeczy administracyjne Granty Granty UMK * https://www.umk.pl/idub/ogloszenia/ (2020 02 14: online web form not yet installed) * http://www.uni.torun.pl...
Doktorat na TCfA Warning: This info may be incomplete and partly out of date! administrative steps * getting documents to Dziekanat http://irk.umk.pl : dead...
See also: ProgrammingForCosmologists ((C) 2020 CC BY NC, xkcd.com/2347 ) * Powinno być na usoswebie. wikibooks * http://pl.wikibooks.org/wiki/GNU/Linux ...
Cosmo.WebHome Proposals for Supervising Inżynierski diploma projects at WFAiIS see also: LicMagTematy Supervisor: B. Roukema (boud at astro.uni.torun.pl) E...
Cosmo.WebHome various astro related seminars in Toruń * http://cosmo.torun.pl/mailman/listinfo/cosmo torun see the torun cosmology mailing list for anno...