monograph course Friday 14h-16h Piwnice

Boud Roukema cosmo-spotka at
Thu, 21 Feb 2002 02:35:58 +0100 (MET)

Cześć wszytce,
  I've got administrative stuff to do which might make it difficult
for me to be at my first monograph course lecture, for Fri 22 Feb.

However, at our last meeting,

Rafał gave a very nice description of curvature and topology,
which is the key element of the course. Since the purpose of the
course is for people to learn, not just for people to hear the
sound of my beautiful voice ;-) I don't see any problem with me
being absent from the first session.

If the 4th year students can understand everything that Rafał
presented by the end of the session (I think the standard 45 min +
break + 45 min would be reasonable), then I think that that would
already be a big achievement.

I suggested to Sebastian that he, Rafał and Michał F should
surely be able to teach this first lecture together, in case I can't
come, and he thinks it's possible.

Michał F said he would be able to attend, but hasn't yet commented
on my suggestion.

Since I want to get this course started, and there's not much time
left to have a definite announcement before Friday, here is the
announcement (unless someone objects):

Date/Time: Fri 22 Feb 2002, 14h-16h including 15min pause
Place: lecture room in the radio building (could someone check this is free?)
Lecturers: Boud, but if not, then Rafał with help from Sebastian
and Michał F.

Goal of first lecture:
 * Basic concepts of curvature, topology, extra dimension as a
psychological tool to help imagine curved and/or multiply connected
spaces, comoving coordinates, with the aim of making sure the 4th year
students (or others relatively new to cosmology) understand
these. Discussion will probably involve re-explaining all sorts of
basic elements of modern observational cosmology (redshifts, distance
scales, etc.). This is OK - it's a course, not an exam.
 * Participants will be urged to subscribe to
once this is up and running (maybe by 22 Feb, maybe not).
 * Organisational: would participants prefer a lecture every week
or just once a fortnight?

Andrzej Strobel: Could you please distribute this announcement to the
4th yr students likely to be interested, by whatever means is normally
used for such communication? Dziękuję!

Na raże, (and hopefully see you all Friday!)