PROPOSAL for longer term policy on new computer V0.01

Boud Roukema boud w
Wto, 8 Paź 2002, 19:12:16 CEST

##########  PROPOSAL for longer term policy V0.01 #########
### no deadline for the moment ###
- susers - boud + amr? + a student?

- web server?

- home space per user - h.m. MB?
With 650MB on /home, and potentially a dozen people, that's only
about 50MB each. This brings up the question of...

- backup strategy?

- scratch space?
Probably not much to say here - except the question of whether
the observers can use this for radio data while waiting for us
to find other cosmo uses for this disk space. What sort of policy
could be reasonable?

- mail server?

- (T)Wiki server for
 * cosmic topology page - complete references to all published
articles (last time I counted, there were only 36 authors during the
20th century + 1 in the last year of the 19th century)
 * standard ruler page
 * meta-page for other cosmology stuff
 * galaxy/AGN formation/evolution pages

- sympa vs mailman?
Sympa running at the moment on "astro" is fine, but I'm just wondering...

- other software?
CMB stuff? specific packages?
N-body stuff for galaxy formation?

- standard CPU rules - more than 5 min => nice 19

- quotas for accounts and/or scratch space, decision-making on
acc and/or scratch space?



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