witam cosmo-torun
Cosmo workshop
WHEN: Fri 15:00 12.03.2010
WHO: boud
TITLE: Liu and Li arXiv:1003.1073 ("The origin of the WMAP quadrupole")
ABSTRACT: The WMAP quadrupole is apparently
mostly a pointing error. The true quadrupole is much
closer to zero. The missing fluctuations problem has
just got much worse for the infinite-flat-universe hypothesis.
Liu and Li arXiv:1003.1073 ("The origin of the WMAP quadrupole") have
posted a very interesting article (presumably submitted to Nature,
guessing from the style and length). The best estimate of the CMB
quadrupole is apparently... zero!
They claim that the WMAP quadrupole comes from a single error - an
antenna direction representation error by half of an observational
angular interval. The discussion concerns quaternions, but don't
be frightened - it presumably uses the imaginary part only, to
represent X, Y, Z directions. You can think of them as vectors
in R^3 if you like.
Order of magnitude check of their calculation:
Liu and Li say that the error is by 7' and that this causes
incorrect subtraction of the dipole in the time-ordered-date (TOD).
The direction of the error varies as the direction of observation
varies, so it's reasonable that it doesn't give a simple offset
detectable by post-processing in the analysis pipeline, IMHO
(though Bartek may have another opinion).
The dipole is about 3.3mK (e.g. section 7 Bennett et al 2003).
sin(7') * 3.3mK = 0.002 * 3.3mK = 6.7 microK
Liu and Li say 10-20 microK, just slightly higher, but their Eq.(1)
is a motivational equation - it is not used as an entry to
their data analysis pipeline.
Figures 1 and 2 should the effect very dramatically. Rephrasing what
they've said:
Figure 1 left: difference between Liu Li analysis, using the same wrong
method that the WMAP team used. This is a check that their pipeline
does the same thing that the WMAP team does. |Difference| < 2 or so microK.
Figure 1 right: Liu Li using correct antenna directions on WMAP Q1 3yr data.
They get a strong quadrupole!
Figure 2 left: The effect of using a wrong dipole, calculated using *only the
directional information* from the time-ordered-data from the spacecraft,
with *no CMB data*. See paragraph 2, page 4: "only the spacecraft attitude
information is used to compute d' ."
Figure 2 right: official WMAP5 V+W quadrupole.
Figures 1 right, and 2 left look very, very similar to Figure 2 right.
There seems to be a slight difference in angular position visible by eye,
but the coincidence is striking.
Can we really believe that the CMB quadrupole just by chance happens to be very
strongly aligned with and of nearly identical amplitude to a map made
using only the time-ordered-data of the spacecraft direction
("attitude") and the spacecraft orbit around the Sun, and the Sun's
motion with respect to the CMB?
Since this is a Nature-type article, the authors are forced to exclude almost
all interesting details from the article, but info like the spacecraft
attitude quaternions and interpolation method should not be too difficult to
* Bennett et al 2003: arXiv:astro-ph/0302207
* Liu, Li 2010: arXiv:1003.1073
The good thing about this is that it shows that a lot of very
intelligent people - those in a mega-collaboration plus many outside
of the official group - can spend 7 years looking closely at an
important set of observational data without finding what appears to be
a very elementary error in the analysis details, with a very
fundamental consequence.
The fundamental consequence is that a lower quadrupole makes Infeld's
(1949) prediction of the equivalent of the low l cutoff due to the
shape of the Universe even stronger! Liu & Li suggest an inflationary
argument, but their interpretation is not what is important - they
don't want the referee to make a fuss about interpretations, since
their observational argument is so strong.
hi everyone,
Fri 2 July 15.00 @KRA - cosmo wiki workshop
let's reorganise the wiki: http://cosmo.torun.pl/cosmo/
and the home page http://adjani.astro.uni.torun.pl
Bartek has done a nice job of setting up a draft of the
new KRA web pages, with a nice link to the cosmology pages.
So now it's time for the rest of us (starting with me!) to help
do some reorganisation.
i'll start today, and i propose that we (finally) get back to our
workshops by starting with a wiki workshop tomorrow.
My idea is that probably i will do the "main" editing, with
the pages shown in the projector, so that we can have a general
discussion what should go where, while i edit. But if other people
bring laptops, then they can also edit (e.g. other pages) and/or
take over the use of the projector and we'll see if we can converge
by using both wiki + face-to-face communication.
i'll see if we can get hold of a switch (should be doable) so that if
more people bring along laptops, then we can together do some
reorganisation. By the nature of wiki, this means that some of the
editing can be done in parallel.
Witam cosmo-torun,
As usual, there are many cosmo meetings in Europe this northern
summer. :) This is slightly edited from two French cosmo/extragalactic
mailing lists messages.
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> Date: Mon, 29 Mar 2010 09:36:20 +0200
> Subject: Diffusion PNCG - mess n° 23 (fwd)
> Date: Wed, 19 May 2010 18:59:46 +0200
> Subject: Diffusion PNCG - mess n° 25
1. X?me école de cosmologie
5 - 10 July 2010 in Cargese, Corsica
2. symposium ?Fundamental Frontiers of Physics"
6 to 9 July, 2010, Paris
3. The 14th Paris Cosmology Colloquium 2010 - Chalonge
Thursday 22, Friday 23 and Saturday 24 JULY 2010
4. 35th International Conference on High Energy Physics
22 - 28 July, Paris.
5. 8th International Conference on Identification of Dark Matter
Montpellier, July 26-30th 2010.
6. New Directions in Modern Cosmology
from 27 Sep 2010 through 1 Oct 2010
1. X?me école de cosmologie
Nous avons le plaisir de vous annoncer la tenue de la dixi?me école de
cosmologie intitulée "Le fond diffus cosmologique ? haute résolution
angulaire". Elle se déroulera la semaine du 5 au 10 juillet 2010 ?
l'IESC (Carg?se).
Avec le lancement réussi du satellite Planck, une nouvelle fen?tre
d'?observation s?ouvre en cosmologie. L'objectif scientifique de cette
école est de montrer comment cette nouvelle génération de données va
permettre la recherche de signatures nouvelles caractérisant les mod?les
d'univers primordial. Il ne s?agira pas de traiter les données de Planck,
qui ne seront pas publiques ? cette époque, mais d?'explorer les avancés
théoriques et phénoménologiques. On présentera la physique du fond diffus
cosmologique, en insistant en particulier sur les aspects nouveaux,
les plus pertinents pour la confrontation des théories aux observations.
Les cours principaux seront assurés par N. Aghanim (IAS) - J.F. Cardoso
(LTCI) - A.Challinor (DAMTP) - P. Creminelli (ICTP) - E. Komatsu (TCC) -
J. Lesgourgues (LAPTH) - S. Prunet (IAP) - J.-P. Uzan (IAP).
Ils seront enrichis par des séminaires/cours annexes, des discussions
et des débats contradictoires.
siteweb : http://www.cpt.univ-mrs.fr/~cosmo/EC2010/EcoleLuminy10.html
NB : Le nombre de places étant limité, les intéressés sont priés de s'y
inscrire au plus vite pour que l'on puisse prévoir une logistique adéquate.
Les organisateurs F. Bernardeau (CEA/DSM/IPhT) - R. Triay (CPT) -
F. Vernizzi (CEA/DSM/IPhT)
2. symposium ?Fundamental Frontiers of Physics"
The 11th annual international meeting ?Fundamental Frontiers of Physics?
will take place in Paris, France from 6 to 9 July, 2010.
The deadline for submission of an abstract is the 15th of June and for
early registration to ?Fundamental Frontiers of Physics?
is the 25th of June, 2010.
The Symposium develops around five themes:
1. Big Bang Cosmology / Dark Energy
2. Dark Matter/Astroparticles
3. Particle physics and Fundamental Interactions
4. From Intrication to Quantum Information and Quantum Gas
5. Epistemology, History of Physics
Parallel sessions will be organized as mini-workshops consisting
mostly of twenty minutes oral presentations.
Scientific Committee
A. Aspect, Institut d?Optique (Palaiseau)
P. Binétruy, APC, Paris Diderot University
E. Brezin, ENS (Paris)
F. Combes, LERMA (Obs. Paris)
J. Iliopoulos, ENS ( Paris)
J. Kouneiher, University of Nice/IUFM and LUTH (Obs. Paris)
M. Lachi?ze-Rey, APC, Paris Diderot University
J. A. Madore, University of Orsay
J.-J. Szczeciniarz, HPS, Paris Diderot University
Please visit the website of the conference for all relevant information
3. The 14th Paris Cosmology Colloquium 2010
Ecole Internationale d'Astrophysique Daniel Chalonge
George Smoot Nobel Prize of Physics and Daniel Chalonge Medal
Thursday 22, Friday 23 and Saturday 24 JULY 2010
at the parisian campus of Paris Observatory (HQ),
in the historic Perrault building.
The Conference is within the astrofundamental physics spirit of the
Chalonge School, on recent observational and theoretical progress on
the CMB, Inflation, astrophysical dark matter, dark ages, dark energy,
and the theory of the early universe with predictive power.
In summary, the aim of the meeting is to put together real cosmological
data and hard theory predictive approach connected to them in the
framework of the Standard Model of the Universe.
Topics: Observational and theoretical progress in the CMB, astrophysical
dark matter, dark energy, dark ages . Large and small scale structure
formation. Inflation in connection with the CMB and LSS data,
slow roll and fast roll inflation, quadrupole suppression and initial
conditions, low CMB multipoles. CMB polarization. Neutrinos in cosmology.
The Meeting is open to all scientists interested in the subject. All
Informations about the meeting and registration to it are displayed at :
Early Registration is strongly encouraged
The format of the Meeting is intended to allow easy and fruitful mutual
contact and communication.
Sessions last for three full days in the beautiful parisian campus of
Observatoire de Paris (built on orders from Colbert and to plans by
Claude Perrault from 1667 to 1672). All sessions take place in the
historic Perrault building ("Bâtiment Perrault") of Observatoire
de Paris HQ, under the portraits of Laplace, Le Verrier, Lalande,
Arago, Delambre and Louis XIV.
An exhibition will retrace the 19 years of activity of the Chalonge
School and George Smoot participation to the School along these 19 years.
Informations on the previous Paris Cosmology Colloquia and of the school
events are available athttp://chalonge.obspm.fr (lecturers, lists of
participants, lecture pdf files and photos during the Colloquia).
4. 35th International Conference on High Energy Physics
La 35?me Conférence Internationale de Physique des Hautes Energies,
la plus importante au monde dans cette spécialité, aura lieu cet été
en France, du 22 au 28 juillet ? Paris.
A noter que les astroparticules et la cosmologie y seront largement
représentées dans une session dédiée et dans les exposés pléniers.
Site web : http://www.ichep2010.fr/
5. 8th International Conference on Identification of Dark Matter
This is the second circular announcing the
*** 8th International Conference on Identification of Dark Matter ***
that will be held in Montpellier, July 26-30th 2010.
We are glad to announce that we will extend abstract submission until
MAY 30th 2010
Please refer to http://www.lpta.univ-montp2.fr/idm2010
for further information on travel and accommodation, registration,
payments, and abstract submission. See also at the end of this email.
We encourage abstract submission from graduate students and
posdoctoral fellows.
We would appreciate if you could bring this announcement to their
attention, and diffuse it
to your scientific communities and research departments.
Looking forward to seeing you in Montpellier,
The local organizing committee
Please feel free to contact us if you have questions regarding IDM 2010
6. New Directions in Modern Cosmology
New Directions in Modern Cosmology
from 27 Sep 2010 through 1 Oct 2010
Scientific organizers:
T.M. Nieuwenhuizen, ITFA, UvA,
R.E. Schild, Harvard CfA
F. Sylos Labini, Enrico Fermi Center, Rome
R. Durrer, Univ Geneva
Aim and description
This workshop concentrates on the discussion of recent cosmological
observations which present challenges to the standard LCDM
model. These observations include: the large scale flows, the sizes
and amplitude of galaxy large scale structures, the systematic effects
biasing the analysis of CMB data and the lack of large-angle
correlations, the anisotropy of the Hubble flow, the evolution of
galaxy size, and the failure to find the sub-halo building blocks left
over from the primordial fluctuation spectrum. Last and not least, it
is disturbing that in the LCDM model 95% of the Universe have not been
observed 'directly'.
While each of these observations can be seen as an anomaly that the
model would possibly explain, the bulk of them calls for a more
careful analysis of the model foundations, particularly the amount and
role of dark substances. From the theoretical side it is known that
the role of hydrodynamics can be more important that often
assumed. Moreover recently there has been a considerable theoretical
effort to develop a coherent picture in General Relativity which
appropriately takes into account matter inhomogeneities.
By connecting and discussing different approaches and results, this
workshop, aims to advance our comprehension of the large scale
universe. Progress can be hoped for by combining insights from various
groups of researchers studying different observational and theoretical
problems. The workshop offers a unique opportunity to discuss
conceptual and methodological problems of the present cosmological
Central questions are posed from observational and theoretical
- Galaxy Structures on large scales: How large are galaxy fluctuations
on 100 Mpc/h scale? Do we see the predicted
anti-correlations in the two-point correlation
- Is there a systematic problem in the CMB large angle correlations?
Is there true evidence for a galaxy-CMB cross
- Are large scale flows at odds with LCDM predictions?
- What is the role of joint effects of gravity and hydrodynamics in
the theory of structure formation?
- What is the role of large density inhomogeneities in General
Relativity? Which effects can be observed?
We of course cannot expect to obtain answers to any of those questions
during this workshop but we can discover how expertise from different
fields can be combined to fruitfully address them.
The diversity in the background of the participants guarantees that
new questions will arise and new approaches will be formulated. The
central role of the workshop will be to stimulate and coordinate this
witam cosmo-torun
Our colleagues in the optical group have got together
with some galaxy formation people and are organising a simulation
workshop this northern summer (July 2010):
Ben Moore is one of the key people doing galaxy simulational work
since a long time ago. Romain Teyssier does adaptive tree code
work AFAIK - his program RAMSES is here:
It is wolne oprogramowanie, under the CECILL licence, which is
GPL-compatible under section 5.3.4 of the CECILL licence:
i think that many of us could be interested in participating or at
least listening to a few talks. i'm sure that Michal Hanasz and the
doktoranci will tell us if they prefer us to formally register or not,
though of course, i'm sure there wouldn't be things like registration
fees for local participants. We should think of organisers' practical
side of making sure that there are enough seats or computers
available, etc. but i don't expect that that would be a huge problem -
e.g. eduroam access for laptops should presumably be available at the
Maths building.
hi Karolina,
Here are two books that would be useful to buy. The first one has what
seems to be the first statement of the "nothing-can-be-bigger-than-the-Universe"
argument in terms of density perturbations. Apparently, the first
scientist(s) to state the argument were not Starobinsky (1993) and
Stevens et al (1993), but rather... a Polish physicist: Leopold Infeld in 1949!
The second book synthesises recent papers on the Einstein-equation exact-solution
approach to what i have repeatedly said in our cosmology group several
times (and Helena is working on this :). In simple words: "the simplest explanation
for dark energy may be the failure to do the maths carefully enough".
(1) Albert Einstein: philosopher-scientist, edited by Paul Arthur Schilpp , 1949
(republished 1970) e.g.
(2) Bolejko et al 2009:
Title: Structures in the Universe by Exact Methods
Author: Krzysztof Bolejko, Andrzej Krasinski, Charles Hellaby, Marie-Noelle Celerier
ISBN: 9780521769143
The first book is apparently cheap, the second one expensive. Both would be useful IMHO.
witam cosmo-torun
(1) Research workshop!
title: Another way to select comoving 3-space
speaker: boud
when/where: Friday 15.00 godz. 20.11.2009 @KRA.
This topic will be different to my Monday KRA seminar. My Monday talk
is about stuff on ArXiv.org and already peer-reviewed. Friday is for
research-under-progress presentation/discussion - that's the idea, after
(2) We have to announce FNiS2010 (science festival) proposals by
Monday 23 Nov!!!
Anyone interested in us doing something together, please speak up
quickly, and we can briefly discuss it on Friday face-to-face (or
tomorrow Thurs @KRA). Here's my proposal for what i'd like to talk
Hi all,
This is just a forward of the announcement also to Mike.
I thinks it's very useful for students to see what is currently going on in
CMB, Sunyaev-Zeldovich, radio point sources science - how to simulate
realistic maps including these effects etc.
This is gonna be a workshop type talk so every questions are welcome !
Bartosz Lew
Nicolaus Copernicus University,
Torun Centre for Astronomy, Department of Radio Astronomy
tel: +48 (56) 611 3042
email:blew@astro.uni.torun.pl, www: http://cosmos.astro.uni.torun.pl/~blew
This week we have a guest from Jodrell Bank for our
cosmo workshop :).
WHAT: SZ sky simulations
WHEN: 15.00 Fri 15 Jan 2010
WHO: Mike Peel
hi cosmo-torun
Cosmo workshop tomorrow Fri 8 Jan 2010 - a cold spot talk is
just what we need in this weather... :P
WHEN/WHO/WHERE: 14:45-15:45 Bartek Lew KRA
WHAT: A study of the galaxy redshift distribution toward the cosmic
microwave background cold spot in the Corona Borealis supercluster
Genova-Santos et al. 2010 http://arxiv.org/abs/0912.5167
If there's time, i'll mention (maybe just briefly, at least) the
lack of low l power in the Planck First Light publicity image:
http://cosmocoffee.info/viewtopic.php?t=1479http://arxiv.org/abs/0910.5102 Cover
http://arxiv.org/abs/0911.4063 Liu & Li
Moriond 2010 Cosmology
Dear colleague,
The next Rencontres de Moriond meeting devoted to
will be organized in La Thuile (Valle d'Aosta, Italy),
March 13-20, 2008.
Registration is open on
where more details can be found
(including abstract submission)
The main topics covered in the conference are summarized
at the end of this message
looking forward to welcom you in La Thuile,
with our best regards,
the organizing committee
1. Clusters / SZ effect
Cosmology with clusters
Optical detection and self calibration methods
X-ray clusters
Hydrodynamical simulations
SZ Clusters
Radio galaxies clusters
2. CMB / Polarization
Polarization measurements
3. Reionization / Radio
Numerical simulations
LOFAR: foregrounds
Other projects (MWA ...)
4. Dark Energy / Dark Matter
Weak lensing
Cluster Mass Profile
5. Dark Matter: accelerator searches
Direct search at the LHC
Direct search with underground detectors
Indirect seraches (Fermi / Gamma-ray astronomy)
6. Theory
Modified gravity
Dark energy models
Primordial universe / Inflation
7. Herschel
Herschel Science Demonstration Phase Initial Results