hi cosmo-torun,
We as the CA-UMK group of the cosmo-pp network need to choose, by this weekend (15.10.06), between Mariusz Dąbrowski and Marek Zrałek as "przewodniczący" of the cosmo-pp network.
The vote seems to be confidential, though each group presumably has its own way of deciding.
i suggest informal discussion by whatever means (email/face-to-face/...) and attempts to get informal consensus - consensus probably better *not* on public lists/twiki if it's about personal stuff of the two candidates, but IMHO it can be public if it's a meta-level question (e.g. should we ask questions to the two candidates?)
i suggest the following procedure (since we won't necessarily get consensus):
* everyone who wants to "vote" email me his/her vote before the deadline
* i will publish the names of the people who vote and which candidate has the majority - if it's 50:50 i'll toss a coin.
If someone wants a more formal or structured process, then please propose it.
Both candidates seem fine to me, so i don't expect this to be terribly controversial, but as a matter of principle, i prefer it to be more participatory rather than less participatory. After all, in the long term this sort of thing does have an effect and jobs and cosmology funding.
See http://arxiv.org: hep-ph, astro-ph, gr-qc for Mariusz' and Marek's scientific work. For their experience as moderators, i guess you need to look elsewhere.
pozdr boud
---------- Forwarded message ---------- Date: Mon, 9 Oct 2006 14:45:44 +0200 (CEST) From: Krzysztof Meissner... To: Stefan Pokorski.. Subject: Porozumienie "Kosmologia i czastki elementarne"
Szanowni Panstwo,
Zgodnie z decyzja wszystkich uczestnikow, `Porozumienie o wspolpracy naukowej w dziedzinie badan teoretycznych "Czastki - astrofizyka - kosmologia" ' ma posiadac strukture sieci tzn. miec koordynatora i rade naukowa. Jak Panstwo wiecie, koordynatorem zostal jednoglosnie wybrany prof. Stefan Pokorski. Do objecia funkcji przewodniczacego rady zgloszono dwoch kandydatow (podajemy w kolejnosci alfabetycznej):
prof. Mariusz Dabrowski (Uniw. Szczecinski) prof. Marek Zralek (Uniw. Slaski)
W zwiazku z tym proponujemy, by w celu wyboru kazdy z osrodkow wskazal w liscie przeslanym na adres Krzysztof.Meissner@fuw.edu.pl jednego z kandydatow. Czekamy na listy do niedzieli 15.10. i w poniedzialek 16.10. podamy do Panstwa wiadomosci wynik glosowania (lub, w przypadku rownej liczby glosow, zarzadzimy ponowne glosowanie).
Serdecznie pozdrawiamy Zygmunt Lalak i Krzysztof Meissner