Cze�� koledzy, By now you've had a short scientific introduction from Micha� F., and I think you know, or if not, you will know after this sentence, that Andrzej Marecki and I are working on an RLAGN project for developing principles of techniques of detecting the global shape of the Universe, according to the standard, hot big bang, Friedmann-Lema�tre model.
E.g. for a beginner's review see
Would the others be able to introduce yourselves? You can, of course, find out who has subscribed using list commands (see HELP below), but so far, the others and what seem to me to be their cosmological/extragalactic interests are (in arbitrary order):
Sebastian - interested in OCRA (one cm array project)
Rafa� - interested in cosmic topology (as a sideline)
Marcin/Motylek - interested in FRI/FRII evolution
Micha� Hanasz - magnetic fields in low z (<< 1) AGN, but moving to high z (2-3) AGNi ??
I'll be back in Toru� in a few weeks time, and it would be nice to have a face-to-face meeting, but in the meantime, could everyone just say a few lines about their interests (correcting my above summary!), and feel free to make meta-suggestions (about the list or about how to organise discussions or work, whatever) as well as direct discussion of science.
Pozdrawiam, Boud
On Mon, 17 Dec 2001, Boud Roukema wrote:
Hi all
I think that it is a good idea, and and will introduce myself.
Marcin/Motylek - interested in FRI/FRII evolution
Not only .. You can add next scientific fields of research : a) population of weak radiosources c) origins of AGN's b) evolution of galaxy clusters and groups, and it's connection with AGN's
I must notify that from January to June I will be at JITRA in JBO, Macclesfield but I try to keep in touch with You.
PS: Could be Motylek if You wish .. :)
Hi Motylek,
On Tue, 18 Dec 2001, Marcin Gawronski wrote:
Good. These are things I hope to get into, starting from galaxy formation models with realistic cosmological initial conditions and making the connection with AGN formation, my GPL (GNU public license) galaxy formation software which anyone can play around with is here:
But to me it seems that there is a huge amount of bits of observational information available, and there certainly lots of organising and correlating and understanding which is possible in existing datasets, let alone future datasets, and I would be interested in using just a tiny bit of computers organising power to organise through these ideas, taking a bit of the load off our feeble neural networks.
In any case, it's not a project I could do alone...
I must notify that from January to June I will be at JITRA in JBO, Macclesfield but I try to keep in touch with You.
OK, which makes this mailing list especially useful sooner than I expected! Once you're there, or now if you like, if you tell us the IP number of the computer(s) you use we can open up the web archive to that IP number. That way you can have the option of just looking on the web every week or so, and suspending email delivery (if there's too much email). I think there's an option to suspend email delivery, while remaining on the list - just ask sympa, who is quite sympatyczny (IMHO - in my humble opinion).
Cze�� Boud
Hi all
I've got one small question.
Has anybody heard about estimations of black hole mass in normal nonactive galaxies ?? I mean some names, papers etc. mostly about statistics of BH mass distribution.
Cze�� everyone,
The first talk I heard where there was a strong claim that supermassive BH's (SBHs) exist in *most* galaxies, maybe all, was a review talk at the Kyoto (1997) IAU. The general opinion is that there is an observational relation between bulge mass - of all galaxies - and SBH mass. The most "late-type" spirals, which should really be called "disk" galaxies, have small bulges, and so are expected to have the lowest mass SBHs.
Observationally, the mass is between the velocity dispersion of the bulge "sigma" and the SBH mass (OK, that is not directly observed either).
Here's a nice long list. I wonder if something in the software between my computer and the final web archive will cut off the string which is longer than 80 characters...,...
I've picked what seem (to me) to be the interesting ones.
I remember that from astro-ph abstracts, there has been debate about whether the relation M_SBH/M_bulge is linear (always about 15%) or non-linear. Since almost no astrophysical mass relation has nice power law indexes, I'm sure it's unlikely to be exactly unity, and more likely to be a broken power law with two regimes ;-) - the trick will be to work out why, and separate the cosmological and non-cosmological parts...
I've ***-ed the explicitly non-AGN articles.
Observational: ------------- review,, Merritt & Ferrarese Merritt
review Kormendy & Gebhardt Kormendy "SBHs in Disk Galaxies" ***I don't think these are AGN disk galaxies ;-)***
ApJ big paper Sarzi et al.
review Ho
debate back in 1997: really SBHs are just compact star clusters? Moffat
"Supermassive Black Holes in ***Inactive Galaxies***" Kormendy & Ho "Supermassive Black Holes in AGNs" Kormendy & Ho
IBH (intermediate mass BH - exciting - it's a star cluster BH - suggesting that BHs form in star formation clusters and that some may rain down into SBHs...) Ebisuzaki et al. [XRay:(ASCA + Chandra) + Optical:Subaru] X-ray Evidence for Supermassive Black Holes in ***Non-Active Galaxies.*** Komossa et al.
SBHs in AGNs vs ***non-AGNs*** Ferrarese et al.
Is there an SBH consistent with the claimed relation in the spiral M33? Maybe: Merritt et al. No: Gebhardt et al. (I find Merritt et al. more convincing.)
relation of SBHs and radio emission Franceschini et al.
SBH mass versus light concentration, Graham et al.
galaxy cores as relics of SBH mergers Milosavljevic et al.
limits on accretion rates onto SBHs Matteo, Carilli & Fabian
Theoretical: ----------- very nice link between planet migration, SBH mergers and AGN activity Gould & Rix
Formation of Quasar Nuclei in the Heart of Ultraluminous Infrared Galaxies Taniguchi et al.
g formation models Haehnelt & Kauffmann
Thus spake God: Silk
Thus spake God & God (but there are apparently strong counterarguments): Silk & Rees
how black holes are fed Zhou, Haehnelt, Rees
Thanks for asking for that. It gave me a good excuse to look up some fun stuff which I'm not working on directly. Which will be useful as a reference later on (if it's not outdated).
You'll have to do the work of finding the published references, at, not everybody takes the effort to add these to astro-ph...
Pozdrawiam Boud