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main page: BenasqueNotes2008

These are just rough notes - feel free to correct them, add links, etc. from the Benasque, Pyrenees (mountains on spanish/french border) "Modern Cosmology", 27 July - 14 August 2008 meeting initial participant list. These are not official proceedings. The speakers might even disagree that they said anything even vaguely related to what are in these online notes! Don't say you weren't warned.

Carlos Hernandez-Monteagudo - ArXiv:0805.3710

  • ISW is at big scales, not at the small scales where there are delta baryon fluctuations
  • up to 90% of the ISW should occur at low l, for < < 50-60
  • results contradict Granett, Neynrick, Szapudi 2008
  • see data of Ho et al. 2008
  • NVSS data should give the highest significance ISW detections (vs SDSS-DR4 or PAU-BAO)
  • the claimed ISW detections seem to be inconsistent with linear theory
Topic revision: r1 - 08 Aug 2008, BoudRoukema
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