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summary: Uses BIBLIOMATRIX, L. Amendola (INAF/OAR), 2005's online script http://odisseo.mporzio.astro.it/bibliomatrix with yes to all three questions, adds scientific age to the parameter list, and outputs the results in twiki format.

  1. Use the online interactive script at http://odisseo.mporzio.astro.it/bibliomatrix
    • Put yes to all three parameters: Include physics journals ? yes, Include Los Alamos arXiv and IAU circulars? yes, Include all sources (proceedings, books etc.) ?) yes
    • Entry data are in the next section
  2. Use this biblio.sh: biblio.sh script for converting to twiki format 2007-01-30
    • This script includes authors' "scientific ages" - update shell variables such as THISYEAR or add younger scientists or correct errors.
    • cp it locally, chmod u+x and then run it using e.g. cut/paste
    • Adapt it to another table type format (e.g. latex instead of twiki) and run again.

entry data

Include physics journals ? yes

Bartkiewicz, A.
Gawronski, M.
Gesicki, K.
Gozdziewski, K.
Hanasz, M.
Katarzynski, K.
Krelowski, J.
Kunert, M.
Kunert-Bajraszewska, M.
Kus, A.
Lew, B.
Marecki, A.
Megier, A.
Mikolajewski, M.
Niedzielski, A.
Niezurawska, A.
Przybylska, M.
Roukema, B.
Rudak, B.
Strobel, A.
Szymczak, M.
Tomov, T.
Tylenda, R.

Include physics journals ? no - need to exclude G Maciejewski (Institute of Fundamental Technological Research, Polish Academy of Sciences) who publishes solid state type articles; and Hajduk M. who published one nuclear physics paper (Stenlund et al.) with several citations. This could be problematic if physics journals do cite our Torun astronomers.
Maciejewski, G.
Hajduk, M.


  • P= publications
  • C= citations
  • I= impact factor
  • normalised by author order, number of authors = A
  • P/A= publications/author
  • C/A= citations/author
  • I/A= impact factor/author
  • h = Hirsch h statistic: http://arxiv.org/abs/physics/0508025
  • m-index = h/n
  • h:Author= h values where number of citations is normalised by number of authors
  • h:Author/n= h:Author / (n=scientific age)
  • F= first author papers
  • n= scientific age (years since first published paper) Proszę mów jeśli wartość jest zła!
  • (in parentheses the papers including all sources, e.g. conference proceedings)

First few results for TCfA astronomers in NASA ADS - default sort by m=h/n
  • hint: click on heading (e.g. Impact/Author) to get sort either down or up

Uwagi - warnings on interpretation

  • bibliomatrix warnings
  • Uwaga: Przybylska's publications and citations are mostly uncatalogued by the ADS (applied mathematics journals...)
  • Uwaga:
    • Kunert, M. and Kunert-Bajraszewska, M. are the same person; 0.0 in some columns means calculation not done (requires extra work)
    • Niezurawska, A. and Bartkiewicz, A. are the same person; 0.0 in some columns means calculation not done (requires extra work)
  • Uwaga: There exists G Maciejewski (Institute of Fundamental Technological Research, Polish Academy of Sciences) who publishes solid state type articles and who could potentially cause confusion with our G Maciejewski.
  • Uwaga: Lew, B.: Ignore the non-refereed publication by Barclay Lew in 1988
  • Uwaga: Gawronski, M.: remove second non-radio-astronomy Gawronski M. by hand in ADS selection
  • UWaga: multi-author papers : bibliomatrix warnings says that it only considers co-authorship if you are among the first 80 authors. The author normalised parameter h:Author does not seem to be sensitive to this. Rudak and Katarzy�ski have been corrected "by hand" through the ADS - their h increases compared to the bibliomatrix estiamte, but their h:Author and h:Author/n are unchanged.

If there is an error in your scientific age estimate (n, in the last column), please add a comment here so that the script can be corrected.

27 February 2009

Name Publications (P all) Citations Impact Publications/Author Citations/Author Impact/Author h statistic m=h/n h:Author h:Author/n First author (F.a. all) n
Lew, B. 4 7 65 6.6 2.7 21.0 3.6 3.0 0.6 3.0 0.6 3 5 5
Roukema, B. 30 72 432 98.8 16.2 234.4 53.0 12.0 0.75 9.0 0.56 26 62 16
Katarzynski, K. 27 34 260 0.0 0.0 37.0 0.0 10.0 1.25 4.0 0.5 8 12 8
Tylenda, R. 40 97 1843 91.9 19.0 871.8 45.5 24.0 0.7 15.0 0.44 19 50 34
Hanasz, M. 31 62 372 79.2 13.2 162.1 33.8 11.0 0.61 8.0 0.44 18 40 18
Maciejewski, G. 9 36 141 11.3 3.0 51.5 2.7 6.0 0.85 3.0 0.42 6 18 7
Kunert-Bajraszewska, M. 10 16 84 0.0 0.0 25.0 0.0 6.0 0.85 3.0 0.42 5 10 7
Gozdziewski, K. 33 47 282 109.9 16.1 142.9 47.9 10.0 0.52 6.0 0.31 27 36 19
Rudak, B. 58 96 762 0.0 0.0 230.0 0.0 15.0 0.48 9.0 0.29 7 25 31
Bartkiewicz, A. 7 18 41 0.0 0.0 11.0 0.0 3.0 0.42 2.0 0.28 6 12 7
Krelowski, J. 84 161 1224 283.3 30.1 476.6 90.2 20.0 0.58 9.0 0.26 27 74 34
Mikolajewski, M. 27 122 795 60.8 7.5 228.3 18.6 13.0 0.4 8.0 0.25 8 39 32
Hajduk, M. 7 16 53 0.0 0.0 5.6 0.0 3.0 0.75 1.0 0.25 4 7 4
Niedzielski, A. 22 82 226 31.3 10.0 108.5 15.9 9.0 0.42 5.0 0.23 9 43 21
Szymczak, M. 35 72 410 96.5 14.9 159.1 41.0 11.0 0.42 6.0 0.23 25 43 26
Tomov, T. 36 142 789 100.9 7.8 205.7 21.5 14.0 0.51 6.0 0.22 12 41 27
Przybylska, M. 5 29 41 6.0 2.6 20.8 3.1 4.0 0.4 2.0 0.2 1 6 10
Gawronski, M. 3 9 16 0.0 0.0 3.3 0.0 2.0 0.4 1.0 0.2 1 3 5
Gesicki, K. 18 50 257 44.4 6.3 84.2 13.8 11.0 0.42 5.0 0.19 10 26 26
Kus, A. 33 98 888 99.1 7.0 159.5 22.8 18.0 0.58 6.0 0.19 1 16 31
Marecki, A. 16 30 227 27.4 4.3 50.2 7.2 9.0 0.42 3.0 0.14 7 13 21
Strobel, A. 15 50 295 32.7 7.4 114.4 13.7 11.0 0.26 5.0 0.12 5 18 41

Scroll up for warnings, method etc.

11 February 2008

Name Publications (P all) Citations Impact Publications/Author Citations/Author Impact/Author h statistic m=h/n h/Author First author (F.a. all) n
Katarzynski, K. 8 14 83 20.7 2.2 24.1 5.6 6.0 0.85 3.0 7 11 7
Kunert-Bajraszewska, M. 9 14 52 0.0 2.6 14.2 0.0 5.0 0.83 0.0 4 9 6
Roukema, B. 26 70 399 87.3 14.6 221.5 48.2 12.0 0.8 8.0 23 60 15
Wolszczan, A. 67 155 2462 511.4 27.0 1044.5 211.7 25.0 0.73 14.0 20 52 34
Tylenda, R. 40 94 1768 91.9 19.0 839.4 45.5 23.0 0.69 15.0 19 50 33
Hanasz, M. 31 53 279 79.2 13.2 131.4 33.8 10.0 0.58 7.0 18 33 17
Kus, A. 33 94 794 99.1 7.0 146.8 22.8 17.0 0.56 6.0 1 15 30
Gozdziewski, K. 28 37 216 87.7 14.3 113.1 39.2 10.0 0.55 6.0 26 33 18
Krelowski, J. 79 153 1109 263.6 28.7 440.0 84.5 18.0 0.54 9.0 27 73 33
Tomov, T. 36 137 735 101.0 7.8 196.7 21.5 14.0 0.53 6.0 12 39 26
Bartkiewicz, A. 6 15 28 0.0 1.7 7.5 0.0 3.0 0.5 0.0 5 11 6
Gesicki, K. 17 44 220 42.1 6.0 74.3 13.1 11.0 0.44 5.0 10 24 25
Mikolajewski, M. 26 117 747 57.9 7.0 216.9 17.1 13.0 0.41 8.0 8 41 31
Szymczak, M. 33 69 368 92.0 14.2 145.1 39.5 10.0 0.4 6.0 24 42 25
Rudak, B. 31 74 492 125.5 13.8 204.2 53.1 12.0 0.4 8.0 7 25 30
Marecki, A. 16 29 182 27.4 4.3 37.8 7.3 8.0 0.4 3.0 7 13 20
Niedzielski, A. 17 72 177 30.2 8.8 91.3 15.5 7.0 0.35 4.0 9 42 20
Megier, A. 6 9 29 26.9 2.3 9.2 10.0 4.0 0.3 2.0 5 7 13
Strobel, A. 15 49 256 32.7 7.4 102.6 13.7 10.0 0.25 5.0 5 18 40
Przybylska, M. 4 21 12 4.5 2.3 6.7 2.8 2.0 0.22 1.0 1 5 9
Woszczyk, A. 5 56 60 31.8 1.4 18.4 7.5 5.0 0.09 2.0 1 28 51

29 January 2007

Name Publications (P all) Citations Impact Publications/Author Citations/Author Impact/Author h statistic m=h/n h/Author First author (F.a. all) n
Roukema, B. 24 68 395 80.3 13.9 219.7 45.4 12.0 0.85 8.0 22 60 14
Wolszczan, A. 64 141 2303 497.2 25.7 981.4 207.1 25.0 0.75 13.0 19 48 33
Tylenda, R. 39 89 1645 89.6 18.7 774.8 44.8 22.0 0.68 14.0 19 47 32
Katarzynski, K. 6 12 42 16.1 1.5 11.4 3.9 4.0 0.66 2.0 6 10 6
Hanasz, M. 28 48 238 66.4 12.1 115.0 28.9 9.0 0.56 6.0 18 32 16
Krelowski, J. 77 132 1049 256.6 28.3 418.5 83.1 17.0 0.53 9.0 27 61 32
Tomov, T. 35 128 655 100.9 7.6 180.1 21.5 13.0 0.52 6.0 12 37 25
Gozdziewski, K. 25 35 174 77.3 13.3 93.3 35.8 9.0 0.52 5.0 22 30 17
Kus, A. 30 77 575 92.1 6.6 118.5 21.9 14.0 0.48 5.0 1 12 29
Mikolajewski, M. 25 109 713 57.8 6.8 207.9 17.1 13.0 0.43 8.0 8 37 30
Szymczak, M. 32 62 302 89.7 13.9 123.3 38.7 10.0 0.41 6.0 23 37 24
Rudak, B. 30 71 440 123.2 13.5 183.4 52.4 12.0 0.41 7.0 7 25 29
Marecki, A. 13 26 154 25.1 3.2 30.4 6.1 7.0 0.36 2.0 7 12 19
Gesicki, K. 14 37 175 35.1 5.1 62.0 11.6 8.0 0.33 4.0 9 21 24
Niedzielski, A. 13 52 146 22.0 8.1 79.1 13.7 6.0 0.31 4.0 8 31 19
Przybylska, M. 4 14 10 4.5 2.3 5.7 2.8 2.0 0.25 1.0 1 2 8
Megier, A. 6 9 24 26.9 2.3 7.9 10.0 3.0 0.25 2.0 5 7 12
Strobel, A. 15 44 222 32.7 7.4 96.0 13.7 9.0 0.23 5.0 5 15 39
Woszczyk, A. 5 36 50 31.8 1.4 16.2 7.5 5.0 0.1 2.0 1 14 50

10 October 2006

Name Publications (P all) Citations Impact Publications/Author Citations/Author Impact/Author h statistic h/Author First author (F.a. all)
Tylenda, R. 37 89 1620 80.3 17.7 764.3 40.1 22.0 14.0 19 47
Wolszczan, A. 64 137 2273 497.2 25.7 972.8 207.1 25.0 13.0 19 46
Krelowski, J. 77 132 1037 256.6 28.3 415.0 83.1 17.0 9.0 27 61
Roukema, B. 24 67 392 80.3 13.9 218.6 45.4 12.0 8.0 22 59
Rudak, B. 29 70 412 121.0 13.2 173.0 51.8 12.0 7.0 7 25
Mikolajewski, M. 25 106 700 57.9 6.8 205.0 17.1 13.0 7.0 8 34
Tomov, T. 35 126 634 100.9 7.6 176.2 21.5 13.0 6.0 12 37
Szymczak, M. 32 62 284 89.7 13.9 116.6 38.7 9.0 6.0 23 37
Hanasz, M. 28 48 230 66.4 12.1 111.9 28.9 9.0 6.0 18 32
Kus, A. 30 76 559 92.1 6.6 114.4 22.0 14.0 5.0 1 12
Gozdziewski, K. 25 35 160 77.3 13.3 85.7 35.8 9.0 5.0 22 30
Strobel, A. 15 43 217 32.7 7.4 95.0 13.7 9.0 5.0 5 15
Rochowicz, K. 5 15 104 8.3 2.4 35.1 3.1 4.0 4.0 1 9
Gesicki, K. 14 37 170 35.1 5.1 60.8 11.6 8.0 4.0 9 21
Niedzielski, A. 13 50 141 22.0 8.1 77.1 13.7 6.0 4.0 8 31
Lewandowski, W. 5 33 90 27.5 1.1 34.6 6.1 5.0 2.0 1 17
Katarzynski, K. 6 11 35 16.1 1.5 10.2 3.9 3.0 2.0 6 9
Marecki, A. 13 25 148 25.1 3.2 29.8 6.1 7.0 2.0 7 12
Megier, A. 6 9 23 26.9 2.3 7.8 10.0 3.0 2.0 5 7
Woszczyk, A. 5 36 46 31.8 1.4 14.7 7.5 4.0 2.0 1 14
Przybylska, M. 4 13 9 4.5 2.3 5.3 2.8 2.0 1.0 1 2

6 July 2006

Name Publications (P all) Citations Impact Publications/Author Citations/Author Impact/Author h statistic h/Author First author (F.a. all)
Tylenda, R. 37 88 1586 80.2 17.7 745.3 40.1 21.0 14.0 19 47
Wolszczan, A. 63 137 2234 491.3 25.5 953.8 206.4 25.0 13.0 19 46
Krelowski, J. 77 131 1009 256.6 28.3 405.2 83.1 17.0 9.0 27 61
Roukema, B. 24 66 392 80.3 13.9 219.0 45.4 12.0 8.0 22 58
Rudak, B. 29 70 401 121.0 13.2 168.6 51.8 11.0 7.0 7 25
Mikolajewski, M. 25 109 692 57.9 6.8 203.3 17.1 13.0 7.0 8 36
Szymczak, M. 32 59 276 89.7 13.9 113.5 38.7 9.0 6.0 23 37
Hanasz, M. 28 48 231 66.4 12.1 112.3 28.9 9.0 6.0 18 32
Tomov, T. 35 126 621 100.9 7.6 174.2 21.5 13.0 5.0 12 37
Strobel, A. 15 42 215 32.7 7.4 93.8 13.7 9.0 5.0 5 15
Gozdziewski, K. 23 34 137 65.5 12.4 74.9 30.9 7.0 5.0 20 29
Rochowicz, K. 5 15 98 8.3 2.4 34.1 3.1 4.0 4.0 1 9
Niedzielski, A. 13 48 140 22.0 8.1 76.6 13.7 6.0 4.0 8 31
Kus, A. 30 76 547 92.1 6.6 111.5 22.0 14.0 4.0 1 12
Gesicki, K. 14 37 169 35.1 5.1 60.0 11.6 8.0 4.0 9 21
Woszczyk, A. 5 36 46 31.8 1.4 14.7 7.5 4.0 2.0 1 14
Megier, A. 6 9 22 26.9 2.3 7.6 10.0 3.0 2.0 5 7
Marecki, A. 13 24 146 25.1 3.2 29.1 6.1 7.0 2.0 7 12
Lewandowski, W. 5 33 88 27.5 1.1 34.1 6.1 5.0 2.0 1 17
Katarzynski, K. 6 10 27 16.1 1.5 8.0 3.9 3.0 2.0 6 9
Przybylska, M. 4 13 6 4.5 2.3 4.0 2.8 2.0 1.0 1 2

4 May 2006

Name Publications (P all) Citations Impact Publications/Author Citations/Author Impact/Author First author (F.a. all)
Wolszczan, A. 63 (137) 2216 491.3 25.5 947.2 206.4 19 (46)
Tylenda, R. 37 (085) 1535 80.2 17.7 722.1 40.1 19 (47)
Krelowski, J. 75 (128) 984 252.0 27.7 397.4 81.8 26 (60)
Roukema, B. 24 (065) 378 80.3 13.9 210.2 45.4 22 (57)
Tomov, T. 35 (126) 610 100.9 7.6 172.9 21.5 12 (37)
Rudak, B. 29 (069) 395 120.9 13.2 166.6 51.8 7 (25)
Szymczak, M. 30 (056) 261 83.0 13.5 110.1 37.2 23 (37)
Kus, A. 29 (075) 536 91.6 6.4 109.4 21.9 1 (12)
Hanasz, M. 25 (045) 209 64.8 11.0 103.9 28.3 17 (31)
I Attachment Action Size Date Who Comment
biblio.shsh biblio.sh manage 3 K 30 Jan 2007 - 15:02 BoudRoukema biblio.sh script for converting to twiki format 2007-01-30
Topic revision: r20 - 15 Dec 2009, BoudRoukema
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