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"Kod Erasmus" for usosweb

As of 20 April 2012, official versions of the Erasmus/Socrates codes are a well-kept secret from search engines. This is rather in contradiction to the aim of integrating European education systems!

From this Slovakian undated source, http://www.umb.sk/umb/umbbb.nsf/6B83417DBA82CF96C12577900063E428/$File/List_of_subject_area_codes.doc, it would seem that the list of Erasmus/Socrates codes is as follows:
   |                         Socrates/Erasmus                          |
   |                    List of subject area codes                     |
   |                                                                   |
   | 01 AGRICULTURAL SCIENCES                                          |
   | 01.0 Agricultural Science                                         |
   | 01.1 Agriculture                                                  |
   | 01.2 Agricultural Economics                                       |
   | 01.3 Food Science and Technology                                  |
   | 01.4 Horticulture                                                 |
   | 01.5 Fisheries                                                    |
   | 01.6 Forestry                                                     |
   | 01.7 Animal Husbandry                                             |
   | 01.8 Tropical/Subtropical Agriculture                             |
   | 01.9 Others - Agricultural Sciences                               |
   |                                                                   |
   | 02 ARCHITECTURE, URBAN AND REGIONAL PLANNING                      |
   | 02.0 Architecture, Urban and Regional Planning                    |
   | 02.1 Architecture                                                 |
   | 02.2 Interior Design                                              |
   | 02.3 Urban Planning                                               |
   | 02.4 Regional Planning                                            |
   | 02.5 Landscape Architecture                                       |
   | 02.6 Transport and Traffic Studies                                |
   | 02.9 Others - Architecture, Urban and Regional Planning           |
   |                                                                   |
   | 03 ART AND DESIGN                                                 |
   | 03.0 Art and Design                                               |
   | 03.1 Fine Art (Painting, Sculpture, Printmaking)                  |
   | 03.2 Music and Musicology                                         |
   | 03.3 Performing Arts                                              |
   | 03.4 Photography, Cinematography                                  |
   | 03.5 Design (Graphic Design, Industrial Design, Fashion, Textile) |
   | 03.6 History of Art                                               |
   | 03.9 Others - Art and Design                                      |
   |                                                                   |
   | 04 BUSINESS STUDIES AND MANAGEMENT SCIENCES                       |
   | 04.0 Business Studies, Management Science                         |
   | 04.1 Business Studies with languages                              |
   | 04.2 Business Studies with technology                             |
   | 04.3 Accountancy, Financial Management                            |
   | 04.4 Tourism, Catering, Hotel Management                          |
   | 04.5 Industrial Relations and Personnel Management                |
   | 04.6 Secretarial Studies                                          |
   | 04.7 Marketing and Sales Management                               |
   | 04.9 Others - Business Studies, Management Science                |
   |                                                                   |
   | 05 EDUCATION, TEACHER TRAINING                                    |
   | 05.0 Education, Teacher Training                                  |
   | 05.1 Teacher Training                                             |
   | 05.2 Primary Education                                            |
   | 05.3 Secondary Education                                          |
   | 05.4 Vocational and Technical Education                           |
   | 05.5 Adult Education                                              |
   | 05.6 Special Education                                            |
   | 05.7 Educational Science, Comparative Education                   |
   | 05.8 Educational Psychology                                       |
   | 05.9 Others - Education, Teacher Training                         |
   |                                                                   |
   | 06 ENGINEERING, TECHNOLOGY                                        |
   | 06.0 Engineering, Technology                                      |
   | 06.1 Mechanical Engineering                                       |
   | 06.2 Electrical Engineering                                       |
   | 06.3 Chemical Engineering                                         |
   | 06.4 Civil Engineering                                            |
   | 06.5 Electronic Engineering, Telecommunications                   |
   | 06.6 Manufacturing Sciences (including CAD, CAM, CAE)             |
   | 06.7 Materials Science                                            |
   | 06.8 Aeronautical Engineering                                     |
   | 06.9 Others - Engineering, Technology                             |
   |                                                                   |
   | 07 GEOGRAPHY, GEOLOGY                                             |
   | 07.0 Geography, Geology                                           |
   | 07.1 Geography                                                    |
   | 07.2 Environmental Sciences, Ecology                              |
   | 07.3 Geology                                                      |
   | 07.4 Soil and Water Sciences                                      |
   | 07.6 Geodesy, Cartography, Remote Sensing                         |
   | 07.7 Meteorology                                                  |
   | 07.9 Others - Geography, Geology                                  |
   |                                                                   |
   | 08 HUMANITIES                                                     |
   | 08.0 Humanities                                                   |
   | 08.1 Philosophy                                                   |
   | 08.2 Theology                                                     |
   | 08.3 History                                                      |
   | 08.4 Archaelogoy                                                  |
   | 08.9 Others - Humanities                                          |
   |                                                                   |
   | 09 LANGUAGES AND PHILOLOGICAL SCIENCES                            |
   | 09.0 Languages and Philosophical Sciences                         |
   | 09.1 Modern EC Languages                                          |
   | 09.2 General and comparative literature                           |
   | 09.3 Linguistic                                                   |
   | 09.4 Translation, Interpretation                                  |
   | 09.5 Classical Philology                                          |
   | 09.6 Non-EC Languages                                             |
   | 09.8 Less Widely Taught Languages                                 |
   | 09.9 Others - Languages and Philological Sciences                 |
   |                                                                   |
   | 10 LAW                                                            |
   |                                                                   |
   | 10.0 Law                                                          |
   | 10.1 Comparative Law, Law with Languages                          |
   | 10.2 International law                                            |
   | 10.3 Civil Law                                                    |
   | 10.4 Criminal Law, Criminology                                    |
   | 10.5 Constitutional / Public Law                                  |
   | 10.6 Public Administration                                        |
   | 10.7 European Community / EU Law                                  |
   | 10.9 Others - Law                                                 |
   |                                                                   |
   | 11 MATHEMATICS, INFORMATICS                                       |
   | 11.0 Mathematics, Informatics                                     |
   | 11.1 Mathematics                                                  |
   | 11.2 Statistics                                                   |
   | 11.3 Informatics, Computer Science                                |
   | 11.4 Artificial Intelligence                                      |
   | 11.5 Actuarial Science                                            |
   | 11.9 Others - Mathematics, Informatics                            |
   |                                                                   |
   | 12 MEDICAL SCIENCES                                               |
   | 12.0 Medical Sciences                                             |
   | 12.1 Medicine                                                     |
   | 12.2 Psychiatry and Clinical Psychology                           |
   | 12.3 Dentistry                                                    |
   | 12.4 Veterinary Medicine                                          |
   | 12.5 Pharmacy                                                     |
   | 12.6 Nursing, Midwifery, Physiotherapy                            |
   | 12.7 Public Health                                                |
   | 12.8 Medical Technology                                           |
   | 12.9 Others - Medical Sciences                                    |
   |                                                                   |
   | 13 NATURAL SCIENCES                                               |
   | 13.0 Natural Sciences                                             |
   | 13.1 Biology                                                      |
   | 13.2 Physics                                                      |
   | 13.3 Chemistry                                                    |
   | 13.4 Microbiology, Biotechnology                                  |
   | 13.5 Nuclear and High Energy Physics                              |
   | 13.6 Biochemistry                                                 |
   | 13.7 Astronomy, Astrophysics                                      |
   | 13.8 Oceanography                                                 |
   | 13.9 Others - Natural Sciences                                    |
   |                                                                   |
   | 14 SOCIAL SCIENCES                                                |
   | 14.0 Social Sceinces                                              |
   | 14.1 Political Science                                            |
   | 14.2 Sociology                                                    |
   | 14.3 Economics                                                    |
   | 14.4 Psychology and Behavioural Sciences                          |
   | 14.5 Social Work                                                  |
   | 14.6 International Relations, European Studies, Area Studies      |
   | 14.7 Anthropology                                                 |
   | 14.8 Development Studies                                          |
   | 14.9 Others - Social Sciences                                     |
   |                                                                   |
   | 15 COMMUNICATION AND INFORMATION SCIENCES                         |
   | 15.0 Communication and Information Sciences                       |
   | 15.1 Journalism                                                   |
   | 15.3 Public Relations, Publicity, Advertising                     |
   | 15.4 Library Science                                              |
   | 15.5 Documentation, Archiving                                     |
   | 15.6 Museum Studies, Conservatio                                  |
   | 15.9 Others - Communication and Information Sciences              |
   |                                                                   |
   | 16 OTHER AREAS OF STUDY                                           |
   | 16.0 Other Areas of Study                                         |
   | 16.1 Physical Education, Sport Science                            |
   | 16.2 Leisure Studies                                              |
   | 16.3 Home Economics, Nutrition                                    |
   | 16.4 Nautical Science, Navigation                                 |
   | 16.9 Others in Other Areas of Study                               |

-- BoudRoukema - 20 Apr 2012
Topic revision: r1 - 20 Apr 2012, BoudRoukema
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