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<< InhomCosmIII

Inhomogeneous cosmology research plans

  • Notes from Monday 16 Sep and Friday 20 Sep discussions...

  • something lke an alphabet, literature guide, for new people to the field - whitepaper
    • 2011 CQG focus papers (CQG = Classical & Quantum Gravity)
    • publication (ArXiv + formal publication) of the "alphabet", introduction to inhomogeneous cosmology helps in community growth
    • European Commission, NCN, ANR, ... open access initiative 2020 - CC-BY licence
  • Do we want a highly pedagogical guide to inhomogeneous cosmology (doctoral/master student level)?
    • Plebanski & Krasinski; some of the Ellis, Maartens, MacCallum;
  • whitepaper extra science questions
    • what is the physics behind the various codes (ET, gevolution, ...) available?
      • initial condition hypersurfaces, what mathematical/physical framework? framework = set of libraries and functions
      • Sage can be slow for calculating Riemann tensor and other symbolic calculus so on because of python layers?
      • developing the C (or equivalent) level codes/libraries should be a high priority
    • what assumptions are made by the codes? which ones are motivated by numerical reasons and unphysical? * which numerical effects mix up various physical effects? * interpretation problem of numerical simulations?
    • foliation-dependence of scalar averaging? is it physical?
    • multi-fluids - can Roberto's methods be applied?
      • for computational purposes multifluid can be modelled as a "horrible" single fluid (requires assumptions of interactions between fluids)?
      • how do the equations-of-state (highly abused term; it's thermodynamical, based on macroscopical statistics of particles, in cosmology we're not really justified in using this terminology?) relate to one another?
    • LCDM "tensions" could (should?) be a priority for us
      • postdictions - useful challenge for inhomogeneous cosmology
      • update Buchert Roukema Ostrowski Kleinert - prioritise LCDM view on "most important tensions"
        • H_0 tension; lack of power l < 20 in CMB; CMB anomalies (cold spot)? Lyman alpha foest BAO estimates; power at high vs low length (or mass) scales
    • crossovers with quantum physics? maybe via black hole calculations?
      • search for crossovers, can we learn from other fields? geometric (geometry+topology) n+1 spacetimes, particle descriptions

  • Julius, Thomas, Leo, Jan, Pierre, Colin, Martin, Roberto, Hayley, Justyna, Andrzej K, Michele

-- BoudRoukema - 13 Sep 2018 + ...
Topic revision: r2 - 17 Sep 2018, BoudRoukema
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