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<< Cosmo

Jak skutecznie się uczą studenci: statystyki

Są statystyki z http://cosmo.torun.pl/wims dla zajęć IntroductionToGNULinuxOS.

year Number of students completion date completion level
2005/6 8 late Jan 2006 all students completed 100%

Average grade for positive scores (severity level 2: grade = 10 * normalised_score * normalised_quality^0.3)
year sheet 1 sheet 2 sheet 3 sheet 4
2005/6 9.87 9.9 9.75 9.49

Sheet 1. Unix i internet - wstęp 1 (theoretic duration 74 min.)

year Exercise required points weight difficulty index Totals avg/score
new score points duration points duration
2005/6 1. wstęp - 1 100 1 0.8 159 113 1096 325 9.7 2.9
2005/6 2. shell 1 20 2.5 3.3 56 19 184 407 9.7 21.4
2005/6 Sum 120 3.5 14.6 215 132 1280 732 - -

Sheet 2. unix i internet - wstęp 2 (theoretic duration 48 min.)
year Exercise required points weight difficulty index Totals avg/score
new score points duration points duration
2005/6 1. shell (muszla) - kliknij! 30 1 2.0 63 46 424 682 9.2 14.8

Sheet 3. Unix i internet - wstęp 3 (theoretic duration 31 min.)

year Exercise required points weight difficulty index Totals avg/score
new score points duration points duration
2005/6 1. jądro vs shell 100 1 0.3 192 162 1528 60 9.4 0.4
2005/6 2. jądro vs shell - 2 40 2.5 1.3 62 49 420 288 8.6 5.9
2005/6 Sum 140 3.5 8.2 254 211 1948 348 - -

Sheet 4. Unix i internet - wstęp 4 (theoretic duration 87 min.)

year Exercise required points weight difficulty index Totals avg/score
new score points duration points duration
2005/6 1. wyrażenia regularne 50 1 1.7 100 61 462 370 7.6 6.1
2005/6 2. grep + tar, gzip/gunzip, wc 50 1 1.8 214 160 1004 954 6.3 6
2005/6 Sum 100 2 17.5 314 221 1466 1324 - -
Topic revision: r2 - 17 Nov 2022, BoudRoukema
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