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Boudewijn Roukema "Does relativistic cosmology software handle emergent volume evolution?"


Rubin/LSST cosmological data needs to be interpreted, by default, within the context of general relativity. However, the LCDM cosmological model is a semi-decoupled model, in which the gravitational effects of structure formation are assumed to be semi-isolated from the expansion rate of the Universe constrained by the Einstein equation: expansion affects structure formation but structure formation is assumed to have no effect on expansion. Recently developed free-licensed relativistic cosmological simulation codes offer a numerical approach to modelling both structure formation and expansion self-consistently according to the standard Einstein equation, avoiding the unphysical semi-decoupling assumption of LCDM. Whether these codes are able to model beyond-Friedmannian volume evolution needs to be calibrated. An example of calibrating the gevolution and inhomog codes to see whether numerical results match analytical exact solutions for beyond-Friedmannian volume evolution will be presented.

-- BoudRoukema - 19 Oct 2023
Topic revision: r2 - 27 Oct 2023, BoudRoukema
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