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<< Cosmo

ToK Warszawa meeting - Rough Notes Thu 16 Feb 2007

These are just rough notes - feel free to correct them, add links, etc.

Langlois - Non-linear cosmological perturbations

David Langlois + Vernizzi

AstroPh:0503416 Evolution of non-linear cosmological perturbations

AstroPh:0509078 Conserved non-linear quantities in cosmology


contours of constant density are not equal to contours of constant time

-\zeta = \psi + \frac{H}{\dot{\rho}} \delta \rho

Evolution equation

linear case:

perfect fluid

large scales - k \ll aH - adiabatic \Rightarrow \zeta conserved

covariant approach

generalised H parameter circle{H} = \Del_a u^a

Hawking; Ellis & Bruni

h_a^b \Del_a \rho

= 0 FLRW \not= 0 perturbed FLRW

Thomas Flacke: QCD axions from a 5D gauge field


I.W. Kim Gauge messenger model

HepPh:0607169 HepPh:0702041

...bino-wino-higgsino mixing neutralino as a nbDM candiate

Krzysztof Turzyński - multi-field inflation

[earlier work: HepPh:0606133 The Price of WMAP Inflation in Supergravity]
Topic revision: r2 - 16 Feb 2007, BoudRoukema
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