Children of ToK in Cosmo Web

Results from Cosmo web retrieved at 19:57 (GMT)

Proca eqns WikipediaEn:Proca_action m_photon e^ e^ e loses energy positronium e e positronium decays para positronium 2 gamma monochromatic w...
Cosmo.WebHome ToK Warszawa meeting Rough Notes Thu 16 Feb 2007 These are just rough notes feel free to correct them, add links, etc. Langlois Non li...
10} B_{tensor} $% observed WMAP polarisation e.g. Spergel et al. 2005, CBI Readhead et al. 2004, Page et al. 2006 compilation, detection around 200 400 = l,...
0$% follow this through recombination WikipediaEn:Thomson_scattering requires recombination duration to be %$ 0 $%, otherwise no polarisation requires quadru...
Number of topics: 4
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