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<< ToK

ToK Warszawa meeting - Rough Notes Sun 18 Feb 2007

These are just rough notes - feel free to correct them, add links, etc.

David Langlois

exact non-linear approach to perturbations (continued) - ToK070216RoughNotes

Mukhanov - polarisation tensor approach vs Stokes parameters

polarisation tensors - vectors on sphere - P_{ab} - see also WikipediaEn:Polarization

eigenvalue problem P_b^a - \lambda p_b, \lambda > 0

follow this through recombination - WikipediaEn:Thomson_scattering - requires recombination duration to be >0, otherwise no polarisation

requires quadrupole (at least anisotropy), so from beginning of recombination epoch

horizon scale at time of recombination

P \propto \frac{\delta T}{T} \sigma^2 \propto 10^{-2} \frac{\delta T}{T}

B=0 for scalar

polarisation from gravitational waves

BB correlation \ll C_l (unpolarised)
Topic revision: r2 - 18 Feb 2007, BoudRoukema
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