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Welcome to the home of Foswiki.Cosmo. This is a web-based collaboration area for cosmology research and education.

For the moment, please see http://adjani.astro.uni.torun.pl:9673/zwicky for more info on what we're doing at the TCfA.

The first experiment with the twiki is probably to organise an informal Polish cosmology meeting:

Starting Points of the Cosmo Web

  • ReadmeFirst tells you how to use and contribute to the knowlege base.
  • To submit a new problem - solution pair create a new topic like this: Type a new topic name into the edit field at the top of this page, press Enter, and then follow the [Create] link.
  • WebSearch can be used to search for a solution to a problem.
Warning: Can't find topic .WebSiteTools

Notes: Warning: Can't find topic .YouAreHere

Warning: Can't find topic .SiteMap
Topic revision: r13 - 06 Sep 2010, BoudRoukema
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