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Please add your preferences (TWikiRegistration for username/password) for guides on computer languages etc useful for astronomy. Feel free to add critical comments!!

Free software versus closed software

general languages for creating executable programs


f77 - moderately high level

  • the g77 compiler is GPL


  • suggestions on options when compiling


  • a program that changes galactic coordinates into right ascention and declination

ANSI definition (long and detailed)

checking, portability


  • higher level than f77, not yet any stable GPL or other free compiler

f95 - high level, but...

python - high level scripting language

octave - high level scripting language

java - high level scripting language

(Uwaga - czy tylko stare wersji są prawdziwie wolne?? - java2.0)

  • search on jni (java native interface) for using non-java libraries

C - low level



wykłady C

CwPiwnicach - wykłady/czwiczeń C zimo 2004r.

C++ - higher level than C - object-oriented

perl - mix of low level and high level

  • [Perl] combines all the worst aspects of C and Lisp: a billion different sublanguages in one monolithic executable. It combines the power of C with the readability of PostScript. -- Jamie Zawinski



libraries for numerical computation

free (GPL sense) packages


  • http://www.cs.colorado.edu/~lapack/
    • V3.0 contains 2793 .f fortran files, including test and installation files written?
    • 1434 of these fortran files are in directories /SRC/, i.e. source files of LAPACK or BLAS
    • why rewrite these since they're already written?

GNU Scientific Library - GSL

  • http://www.gnu.org/software/gsl/
  • np. http://www.gnu.org/software/gsl/manual/gsl-ref_2.html#SEC10
    • na adjani
      • (1) gcc -c mojprogram.c
      • (2) gcc mojprogram.o -lgsl -lgslcblas -lm
      • ./a.out
    • na galileo etc - moze warto uzywac makefile...
      • (1) gcc -L/scratch/7/boud/lib -I/scratch/7/boud/include mojprogram.c -lgsl -lgslcblas -lm -L/opt/lib/gcc-lib/sparc-sun-solaris2.6/ -lgcc
      • (2) setenv LD_LIBRARY_PATH {$LD_LIBRARY_PATH}:/scratch/7/boud/lib
      • ./a.out
    • jak przygotować funkcji
    • info gsl wtedy C-s Providing the function

plotutils - GPL plotting library

FITS - Flexible Image Transport System for managing observational data files

non-free packages

  • Numerical Recipes - http://www.nr.com/ - good for learning, but you may not redistribute the code as part of your program packages - better learn to use GSL, BLAS, LAPACK, etc.. Bardzo znane między astronomami, ale lepiej używać wolne oprogramowanie, jak GSL i LAPACK żeby twoj programy nie są ,,w wiezieniu".

list of numerical algorithm packages

http://www.mathcom.com/corpdir/techinfo.mdir/scifaq/q120.html Numerical Algorithm Software Packages on the Net

libraries or languages for symbolic algebra

symbolic algebra

Jak efektywnie zgłaszać błędy (How to report a bug)

other links


http://www.llp.fu-berlin.de/baum/linuxlist-a.html (What is useful here? What is GPL? What is not useful?)


Topic revision: r30 - 19 Aug 2010, BoudRoukema
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