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ordering is roughly by length scale, from smallest to largest

TODO: This page is getting too long, and has not been updated much recently.

Solar System

  • GrQc:0412084 Cosmological effects in the local static frame - Michel Mizony (IGD), Marc Lachieze-Rey (PGC)

highest redshift galaxies

  • AstroPh:0301096 The Discovery of Two Lyman-α Emitters Beyond Redshift 6 in the Subaru Deep Field - Kodaira et al.
  • ArXiv:1807.07580 Evolution of the galaxy stellar mass functions and UV luminosity functions at z=6−9 in the Hubble Frontier Fields - Rachana Bhatawdekar, Christopher J. Conselice, Berta Margalef-Bentabol, Kenneth Duncan - apparent absence of population III stars at z=6-9, suggesting that dwarf galaxies rather than pop III stars were responsible for reionisation


galaxy populations

  • AstroPh:0211080 - photometric redshifts of 6 million galaxies from the SloanDSS
  • AstroPh:0210643 - the FundamentalPlane at z=1.27 - massive galaxies at high redshift, EROs
  • AstroPh:0211068 - Phoenix Deep Survery - 2000 sources @1.4GHz to 60µJy in 4.56 sq.deg - estimated 0<z<1
  • <a class="interwikiLink" href="https://arXiv.org/abs/astro-ph/0301457" title="'0301457' on astro-ph preprint archive">AstroPh:0301457 - UCDs - ultra-compact-dwarfs - the result of a dwarf elliptical being stripped of 99% of its luminosity by tidal stripping inside of a cluster (Fornax cluster) - Gregg, Drinkwater et al.
  • AstroPh:0310661 - population evolution of K-band hyperluminous galaxies (HLIRGs) similar to most luminous radiogalaxies?
  • AstroPh:0301427 - FIRBACK observations of 0.4<z&lt0.9 ultraluminous galaxies which contribute to the [CIB]
  • AstroPh:0401032 - Some Current Issues in Galaxy Formation (June 2003) excellent short review - Joe Silk
  • AstroPh:0401503 - characteristic scales in galaxy formation: 10km/s, 30km/s, 100km/s, 300km/s - Dekel
  • AstroPh:0402276 - galaxy down-sizing from Subaru - some small galaxies form stars late - Kodama et al.
  • ArXiv:1106.2757 - correlational photometric redshifts: Bayesian inference from photometric redshift surveys, Jens Jasche, Benjamin D. Wandelt

GRBs - what are their hosts?

  • AstroPh:0301149 - seem to be blue dwarf galaxies - Le Floc'h, Duc, Mirabel et al

dynamics inside a halo/galaxy

observed: non-cuspy profiles in galaxies and clusters but theory: cuspy

  • AstroPh:0210641 - Ωm and power spectrum from LSBs - McGaugh
  • AstroPh:0210658 - SuperMBH s have no significant effect on density profiles - Read, Gilmore
  • AstroPh:0211074 - HST observations of BCGs and inferences for density profiles
  • AstroPh:0307362 - in CDM models cannot destroy satellite galaxies sufficiently to match observations of UltraCompactDwarfs - S. Kazantzidis, B. Moore, L. Mayer
  • AstroPh:0310660 - The origin and tidal evolution of cuspy triaxial haloes - Ben Moore, Stelios Kazantzidis, Juerg Diemand, Joachim Stadel
  • AstroPh:0311155 - lack of small-scale power leads to artificially cuspy haloes? Discreteness effects in cosmological N-body simulations - Binney
  • AstroPh:0401088 - missing satellite problem solved?


  • AstroPh:0211105 - 2D spectroscopy of double-barred galaxies - relation to structure near nucleus - Moiseev

galaxy formation

  • AstroPh:0302343 - (100)1/3 times better resolution in N-body simulations via Wavelets - Romeo et al
  • AstroPh:0210525 SPH simulations showing ellipticals forming which are not the result of major mergers of spirals - Hernandez, Lee
  • AstroPh:0402248 - shock generated SFR vs density generated SFR in mergers - Barnes
  • AstroPh:0402271 - stellar population synthesis - new models - Jimenez et al.
  • ArXiv:1312.0107 - Galaxy formation - Joseph Silk, Arianna Di Cintio, Irina Dvorkin - multiple problems fitting LCDM galaxy formation against observations
  • ArXiv:1805.00014 - Recent progress in simulating galaxy formation from the largest to the smallest scales - C.-A. Faucher-Giguere - syncopated vs smooth SFR as function of galaxy mass and redshift, can smooth cusps

predictions from galaxy formation

  • AstroPh:0202318 - Gamma-Rays from Intergalactic Shocks
  • AstroPh:0401003 - shoulder in QSO luminosity function due to maximum mass for SMBH mergers to match halo mergers - Mahmood, Devriendt, Silk
  • AstroPh:0401087 - Quasar Feedback: the Missing Link in Structure Formation - Scannapieco, Peng Oh

ionisation history

  • AstroPh:0211071 - Miralde-Escude
  • AstroPh:0310593 - WMAP => reionisation at z=20 => need early star formation => either "extreme assumptions" or a component of isocurvature fluctuations - Naoshi Sugiyama, Saleem Zaroubi, Joseph Silk

galaxy clusters

missing baryons

  • ArXiv:1102.0201 - Have the missing cosmic baryons been found? Ehud Behar, Shlomo Dado, Arnon Dar, Ari Laor

FLRW H_0 estimates

  • ArXiv:1207.7292 - The Megamaser Cosmology Project: IV. A Direct Measurement of the Hubble Constant from UGC 3789 - Authors: M. J. Reid, J. A. Braatz, J. J. Condon, K. Y. Lo, C. Y. Kuo, C. M. V. Impellizzeri, C. Henkel - H_0 sim 71.6 +/- 5.7 km/s/Mpc (UGC 3789) at a distance of 47.6 Mpc, see also ArXiv:1207.7273, H_0 = 74+/-10 km/s/Mpc @ 140 Mpc
  • ArXiv:2001.09213 - The Megamaser Cosmology Project. XIII. Combined Hubble constant constraints - D. W. Pesce, J. A. Braatz, M. J. Reid, A. G. Riess, et al
  • ArXiv:2012.08534 - Cosmic Distances Calibrated to 1% Precision with Gaia EDR3 Parallaxes and Hubble Space Telescope Photometry of 75 Milky Way Cepheids Confirm Tension with LambdaCDM - Adam G. Riess, Stefano Casertano, Wenlong Yuan, J. Bradley Bowers, Lucas Macri, Joel C. Zinn, Dan Scolnic


  • "First Year WMAP papers":http://de.arxiv.org/find/astro-ph/1/first%20year%20wilkinson/0/1/0/past/2/0 - summary paper is AstroPh:0302209
  • HepPh:0210370 - review on DM and DE - Kamionkowski
  • AstroPh:0304183 - John Ellis summary 2003


  • AstroPh:0211095 - use of CMB polarisation towards clusters to detect the WikiPedia:Integrated_sachs_wolfe Effect as a function of redshift, and hence some DE constraints
  • AstroPh:0211100 - SNeIa seen in the near-infrared H band may be better standard candles
    • ArXiv:1806.10900 - A cosmology-independent calibration of type Ia supernovae data - Clémentine Hauret, Pierre Magain, Judith Biernaux
  • AstroPh:0211084 - geometrical diagnostic for DE - Sahni et al.
  • reverberation mapping - AstroPh:0211385 - using BELR of quasars as physical coordinate standard ruler, idea implemented since about 5 years ago in dedicated telescope by 吉井 (Yoshii)'s MagnumProject in Japan
  • w=-1.06 (+0.20, -0.25) (68% confidence) - CMB - VerySmallArray - AstroPh:0205381 AstroPh:0212495 AstroPh:0212497 0212495 shows Cl spectrum including 4th peak and possibly rise to 5th peak near l=1400, i.e. 0.1degree = 6 arcmin
  • GrQc:0203060 standard ruler - Is there an imprint of Planck scale physics on inflationary cosmology? - Shankaranarayanan ("Shanki")
  • AstroPh:0210305 AstroPh:0210306 - Archeops results
  • AstroPh:0302306 WMAP constraint on features in power spectrum - Bridle et al.
  • AstroPh:0311622 N=194 SNe rule out flat Universe at 90% significance - Tirth + Paddy, AstroPh:0311622 similar results, include 14 HST SNe with 1 < z < 1.5
  • AstroPh:0312424 X-ray clusters/SZ seem to favour wQ < -1 Alcaniz
  • AstroPh:0405282 DAMA/NaI 7 year results look good for having detected CDM - only problem is deciding which particle - Bernabei et al Gran Sasso
    • AstroPh:0501412 new comparison with other direct detection experiments, DAMA/LIBRA new experiment running since March 2003
  • AstroPh:0404205 Have Atmospheric Cerenkov Telescopes Observed Dark Matter? - Dan Hooper, Ignacio de la Calle Perez, Joseph Silk, Francesc Ferrer, Subir Sarkar
  • INTEGRAL - non-heavy DM from central 1 kpc around Galactic Centre ? http://www.astro.uni.torun.pl/sympa/cosmo-torun/2004-05/msg00017.html
    • INTEGRAL 2011 - ArXiv:1110.6279 - INTEGRAL: science highlights and future prospects - Christoph Winkler, Roland Diehl, Pietro Ubertini, Jörn Wilms
  • ArXiv:1108.0569 A dark matter interpretation for the ARCADE excess? Authors: N. Fornengo, R. Lineros, M. Regis, M. Taoso ARCADE = 22 to 1420 MHz
  • ArXiv:1803.10237 A galaxy lacking dark matter - Pieter van Dokkum, et al "Here we report the radial velocities of ten luminous globular-cluster-like objects in the ultra-diffuse galaxy NGC1052-DF2, ..."
  • ArXiv:1808.04597 Apparent cosmic acceleration due to local bulk flow - J. Colin, R. Mohayaee, M. Rameez, S. Sarkar

spatial distribution

  • ArXiv:1011.6323 halo + 2 annuli ? The Dark Matter Density in the Solar Neighborhood reconsidered, W. de Boer, M. Weber (Karlsruhe)
  • ArXiv:1310.6801 Reconciliation of MOND and Dark Matter theory - Man Ho Chan - MOND is equivalent to isothermal DM radial profile

standard ruler methods - BAO

  • AstroPh:0501171 SDSS z < 0.47 Eisenstein et al. Omega_total = 1.010\pm0.009
  • AstroPh:0501174 2dFGRS Cole et al. assumes flat model, get Omega_m = 0.23 \pm 0.02
  • AstroPh:0501395 GRBs as standard candles - C. Firmani (1,2), G. Ghisellini (1), G. Ghirlanda (1), V. Avila-Reese
  • ArXiv:1112.0980 Detecting Baryon Acoustic Oscillations - A. Labatie, J.-L. Starck, M. Lachièze-Rey
  • ArXiv:1112.0561 Spherical 3D Isotropic Wavelets - F. Lanusse, A. Rassat, J.-L. Starck
  • ArXiv:1204.6630 Application of GPUs for the Calculation of Two Point Correlation Functions in Cosmology - Authors: Rafael Ponce, Miguel Cardenas-Montes, Juan Jose Rodriguez-Vazquez, Eusebio Sanchez, Ignacio Sevilla

candidate particles/fields/unified models

NonBaryonicDarkMatter (DM) candidate: mirror matter

  • AstroPh:0211067 - evidence for mirror matter from Eros??? - Foot, R. Mitra
  • AstroPh:0403043 - claim that mirror matter H' or He' halo with some O' better fits DAMA/NaI energy spectrum than WIMPs - Foot
  • HepPh:0402267 - Ωb to Ωm from mirror matter implies ~1eV scale suggests relation to neutrino oscillations - Foot, Volkas
  • AstroPh:0507153 - Evolutionary and structural properties of mirror star MACHOs - Zurab Berezhiani, Santi Cassisi, Paolo Ciarcelluti, Adriano Pietrinferni

DE candidate: casimir energy

  • GrQc:0406056 casimir energy from scalar field frozen in at Planck time gives ΩΛ today - Unnikrishnan

inhomogeneous (e.g. LTB etc.) calculations

  • ArXiv:0905.3342 On the relation between positive averaged acceleration and physical observables in LTB spaces - Antonio Enea Romano, Misao Sasaki
  • ArXiv:1003.1043 Marco Regis, Chris Clarkson (Cape Town) Do primordial Lithium abundances imply there's no Dark Energy? - Lithium-7 and eta=baryon/photon ratio problem accounted for in toy inhomogeneous model - Li7 is observed on our past world line, while extragalactic observations are observed on our past time cone, giving a method of estimating inhomogeneity effects
  • ArXiv:1005.2165 review Inhomogeneity and the foundations of concordance cosmology, Chris Clarkson, Roy Maartens
  • ArXiv:1104.2590 The growth of structure in the Szekeres inhomogeneous cosmological models and the matter-dominated era, Mustapha Ishak, Austin Peel
  • ArXiv:1106.1693 What is dust? - Physical foundations of the averaging problem in cosmology, CQG review paper, David L. Wiltshire - see also the FAQ at http://www2.phys.canterbury.ac.nz/~dlw24/universe/
  • ArXiv:1103.1146 Global gravitational instability of FLRW backgrounds --- interpreting the dark sectors - Xavier Roy, Thomas Buchert, Sante Carloni, Nathaniel Obadia
  • ArXiv:1207.2035 Newtonian versus relativistic cosmology - Samuel F. Flender, Dominik J. Schwarz - Newtonian N-body wrong in EdS relativistic 2nd order perturbation theory above 10 Mpc
  • ArXiv:1207.2109 Nonlinear general relativistic corrections to redshift space distortions, gravitational lensing magnification and cosmological distances - Obinna Umeh, Chris Clarkson, Roy Maartens
  • ArXiv:1405.7860 What is the distance to the CMB? How relativistic corrections remove the tension with local H0 measurements - Chris Clarkson, Obinna Umeh, Roy Maartens, Ruth Durrer - "We estimate the expectation value of this aggregated lensing using second-order perturbations about a concordance background, and show that the distance to last scattering is shifted by several percent."
  • ArXiv:1411.6218 Age Problem in Lemaitre-Tolman-Bondi Void Models - Xiao-Peng Yan, De-Zi Liu, Hao Wei - includes old high redshift objects (OHROs) constraints
  • ArXiv:1412.3865 Nonlinear effects of general relativity from multiscale structure - Mikołaj Korzyński

other candidates

  • HepPh:0210389 - neutrino model implies "DM candidate" - right-handed neutrino - Krauss, Nasri, Trodden
  • HepPh:0211254 - axions as CDM - hints from galactic rotation curves and a feature in an IRAS map for axions
  • AstroPh:0212345 - nanolensing of GRBs by planetary mass objects - Mark Walker, Geraint Lewis
  • AstroPh:0401140 - DM = neutralinos which annihilate and explain cooling flow problem in gal clusters - Totani
  • AstroPh:0212414 - DE & DM as two limits of the same thing (Chaplygin fluid) - Gonzalez-Diaz
  • AstroPh:0307350 - DM = value of scalar field, DE = energy density of the same field - distance-z relations - Mark B. Hoffman
    • AstroPh:0406194 - DM as scalar field (spin-0 fundamental interaction) - explains early formation of big ellipticals - Matos, Urena-Lopez
  • AstroPh:0305364 - Weyssenhoff fluid in FLRW model, brane models - Marek Szydłowski, Adam Krawiec
  • AstroPh:0306438 - Rn, with n<0 in Hilbert-Einstein action provides DE and early inflation - Carroll, Duvvuri, Trodden, Turner
  • AstroPh:0307311 - Closed Universes, de Sitter Space and Inflation => DE + low quadrupole/octupole + high k effects - Lasenby, Doran
  • HepTh:0307128 - Phantom cosmologies - Mariusz P. Dabrowski, Tomasz Stachowiak, Marek Szydlowski
  • AstroPh:0308515 - Quintessence From The Decay of a Superheavy Dark Matter - Houri Ziaeepour
  • AstroPh:0310609 - phenomenological hypothesis: ΩΛ α Ωm ? - Majernik
  • AstroPh:0311247 - Partial rip scenario - a cosmology with a growing cosmological term - Hrvoje Stefancic
  • AstroPh:0405200 - time and the radial components of the energy momentum tensor for a Schwarzschild metric are equal - applying the same property to cosmology gives a cosmo constant - Yukio Tomozawa
  • HepTh:0406060 - Vacuum Fluctuations of Energy Density can lead to the observed Cosmological Constant - Thanu Padmanabhan
  • GrQc:0407070 - Searching for a solution to the cosmological constant problem - a toy model - Wojciech P. Tarkowski (St Paul Research Lab, Warszawa)
  • AstroPh:0409073 - Dynamics of the Universe with global rotation - Wlodzimierz Godlowski, Marek Szydlowski (Krakow)
  • AstroPh:0412010 - Undulant Universe - Gabriela Barenboim, Olga Mena, Chris Quigg
  • AstroPh:0505202 - Equation of state for Universe from the first principles - Marek Szydlowski, Wlodzimierz Godlowski, Radoslaw Wojtak
  • ArXiv:1412.0145 - Observational constraints to a unified cosmological model - R. R. Cuzinatto, L. G. Medeiros, E. M. de Morais - nice observational analysis of phenomenological DM/DE model

DE, acceleration vs deceleration, the Big Crunch

  • AstroPh:0302357 - a decelerating universe is consistent with SNeIa and CMB (including WMAP) data - Vishwakarma
  • AstroPh:0301087 - Does DE become negative in the future for supergravity and many other M-theory models? - Kallosh, Linde

DE and curvature with WMAP - negative curvature still possible - Aurich, Steiner

observational consistency with LCDM

inconsistencies up to 3σ

  • ArXiv:1606.00168 - Testing dark energy models with H(z) data - Jing-Zhao Qi, Ming-Jian Zhang, Wen-Biao Liu
  • ArXiv:1703.04310 - [near-absence of DM in high-z disk galaxies?] - "Strongly baryon-dominated disk galaxies at the peak of galaxy formation ten billion years ago" - R. Genzel et al, Nature
  • (moderate to strong index of inconsistency = IOI): ArXiv:1705.05303 - Cosmological discordances: a new measure, marginalization effects, and application to geometry vs growth current data sets - Weikang Lin, Mustapha Ishak

inconsistencies at or above 3σ

  • ArXiv:1512.03313 - BCKRW16 review
  • ArXiv:1703.07365 - A detection of wobbling Brightest Cluster Galaxies within massive galaxy clusters - David Harvey, F. Courbin, J. P. Kneib, Ian G. McCarthy
  • ArXiv:1703.08218 - 4σ claim - Towards the firsts compelling signs of vacuum dynamics in modern cosmological observations - Joan Sola, Javier de Cruz Perez, Adria Gomez-Valent
    • ArXiv:1811.03505 "The departure from w=−1 is significant: roughly 2.6σ for XCDM and 2.9σ for φCDM." Current Signs of Dynamical Dark Energy - Joan Sola, Adria Gomez-Valent, Javier de Cruz Perez
  • ArXiv:1811.02590 - 4σ claim - Cosmological constraints from the Hubble diagram of quasars at high redshifts - Guido Risaliti (UniFI), Elisabeta Lusso
  • ArXiv:2012.03950 - 6σ claim - A massive blow for ΛCDM − the high redshift, mass, and collision velocity of the interacting galaxy cluster El Gordo contradicts concordance cosmology - E. Asencio, I. Banik, P. Kroupa
  • ArXiv:2404.03002 - 2.5 to 4σ using w(a)=w0 + wa(1-a) - DESI 2024 VI: Cosmological Constraints from the Measurements of Baryon Acoustic Oscillations
    • ArXiv:2405.00502 - Using non-DESI data to confirm and strengthen the DESI 2024 spatially-flat w0waCDM cosmological parameterization result - Chan-Gyung Park, Javier de Cruz Perez, Bharat Ratra

z=17 HI absorption too strong


GW - gravitational waves


  • ArXiv:0905.2508 - Direct Detection of the Primordial Inflationary Gravitational Waves + OmegaGW from cosmic strings, string cosmology, Wei-Tou Ni , GRF2009 essay
  • ArXiv:1403.3985 - BICEP2 I: Detection Of B-mode Polarization at Degree Angular Scales - Ade et al.
    • ArXiv:1403.2369 - A Measurement of the Cosmic Microwave Background B-Mode Polarization Power Spectrum at Sub-Degree Scales with POLARBEAR - Ade et al.
    • ArXiv:1403.4132 - Higgs Chaotic Inflation and the Primordial B-mode Polarization Discovered by BICEP2 - Kazunori Nakayama, Fuminobu Takahashi
    • ArXiv:1403.4971 - Is Higgs Inflation Dead? - Jessica L. Cook, Lawrence M. Krauss, Andrew J. Long, Subir Sabharwal
    • ArXiv:1403.5043 - Higgs inflation still alive - Yuta Hamada, Hikaru Kawai, Kin-ya Oda, Seong Chan Park
    • ArXiv:1403.5166 - Killing the Straw Man: Does BICEP Prove Inflation? - James B. Dent (1), Lawrence M. Krauss (2,3), Harsh Mathur
    • ArXiv:1403.5163 - Non-trivial running of the primordial tensor spectrum - Jinn-Ouk Gong
    • ArXiv:1403.5231 - Steps to Reconcile Inflationary Tensor and Scalar Spectra - Vinícius Miranda, Wayne Hu, Peter Adshead
    • Sean Carroll blog
    • ArXiv:1403.6396 - Viability of the matter bounce scenario in Loop Quantum Cosmology from BICEP2 last data - Jaume de Haro, Jaume Amorós
    • ArXiv:1403.5922 - The Knotted Sky II: Does BICEP2 require a nontrivial primordial power spectrum? - Kevork N. Abazajian, Grigor Aslanyan, Richard Easther, Layne C. Price - "We find no evidence for a cutoff, weak evidence for a running index, and significant evidence for a 'broken' spectrum. Taken at face-value, the BICEP2 results require two new inflationary parameters in order to describe both the broken scale invariance in the perturbation spectrum and the observed tensor-to-scalar ratio."
    • ArXiv:1403.6768 - Can primordial magnetic fields be the origin of the BICEP2 data? - Camille Bonvin, Ruth Durrer, Roy Maartens
    • ArXiv:1403.6688 - How well do we understand the thermal history of the Universe? Implications of the recent BICEP2 data (GUT, cosmic strings, BICEP2) - Mairi Sakellariadou

SMBH Grav Wave Background (SGWB)

  • ArXiv:2405.08522 - In Search of the Biggest Bangs since the Big Bang - John Ellis, Malcolm Fairbairn, Juan Urrutia, Ville Vaskonen

low-medium z

  • ArXiv:1011.6292 Colin et al. - Probing the anisotropic local universe and beyond with SNe Ia data

large-scale flows/anisotropies

  • ArXiv:1207.0697 Ultra-compact radio sources and the isotropy and homogeneity of the Universe, J. C. Jackson

power spectrum of density perturbations

  • AstroPh:0211090 - calibration of σ8 from better simulations applied to observations - Viana et al.
  • AstroPh:0301641 - inverse approach for an N-body simulation - reconstructing the initial density perturbations from "present-day" observational data - Nice group + Matarrese
  • AstroPh:0302138 - CMBEASY: an Object Oriented Code for the Cosmic Microwave Background - Doran - http://www.cmbeasy.org
  • AstroPh:0302306 - see above - Bridle, Lewis, Weller, Efstathiou
  • AstroPh:0306206 - high blazar contribution to l=500 (20-50%) up to l=800 (50-100%) of WMAP, Boomerang
  • AstroPh:0312174 - P(k) from WMAP has infrared cutoff and is lumpy - Shafieloo, Souradeep

power spectrum method

  • AstroPh:0307515 - unbiased hybrid estimator that combines a maximum likelihood estimator at low multipoles and pseudo-Cl estimates at high multipoles - G. Efstathiou
  • AstroPh:0310382 - trans-planckian oscillations - Martin, Ringeval
  • ArXiv:1009.4937 Effects of a Cut, Lorentz-Boosted sky on the Angular Power Spectrum - Authors: Thiago S. Pereira, Amanda Yoho, Maik Stuke, Glenn D. Starkman

CMB measurements

  • ArXiv:0807.0773 - a better all-sky CMB map than Tegmark et al. and ILC etc. - Jacques Delabrouille et al.
  • ArXiv:1106.5383 - A needlet ILC analysis of WMAP 7-year data: estimation of CMB temperature map and power spectrum - Authors: Soumen Basak, Jacques Delabrouille
  • ArXiv:1111.3357 - WMAP anomaly : Weak lensing in disguise - Aditya Rotti, Moumita Aich, Tarun Souradeep
  • ArXiv:1111.3149 - CMB map restoration - LIW-Filtering for Linear Iterative Wavelet Filtering which is able to account for the noise spatial variability thanks to a wavelet-based modeling while keeping the highly desired linearity of the Wiener filter. - J. Bobin, J.-L. Starck, F. Sureau, J. Fadili
  • ArXiv:1212.6945 - Towards efficient and optimal analysis of CMB anisotropies on a masked sky - H. F. Gruetjen, E. P. S. Shellard

cosmic topology measurements, Gaussianity tests

source: CosmoNewsTopologyMeasurements


  • AstroPh:0302209 - WMAP - Spergel et al. "finite universe model"
  • AstroPh:0302496 - WMAP - Tegmark et al. - AstroPh:0307282 - against topology interpretation
  • AstroPh:0303643 - WMAP non-random phases - Chiang et al.
  • AstroPh:0305248 - non-Gaussianity tests - Raeth, P. Schuecker
  • AstroPh:0405519 - WMAP 1yr bispectrum against Gaussianity (frequentist test), inconsistency with other tests - Kate Land, Joao Magueijo
  • AstroPh:0310273 - Detection of non-Gaussianity in the WMAP 1-year data using spherical wavelets - P. Vielva, E. Martinez-Gonzalez, R. B. Barreiro, J. L. Sanz, L. Cayon
  • AstroPh:0402602 - Wavelets and WMAP non-Gaussianity - Pia Mukherjee, Yun Wang
  • AstroPh:0409397 - Foreground contributions (correlated with cosmic ray distributions) to the Cosmic Microwave Background - Tadeusz Wibig, Arnold W. Wolfendale
  • AstroPh:0304290 - opposite quasar pairs - Weatherley et al.
  • AstroPh:0305020, AstroPh:0304558, AstroPh:0303636 - WMAP low quadrupole => not topology, but double inflation, or other early universe physics?
  • AstroPh:0307507 - Asymmetries in the CMB anisotropy field (WMAP) - Eriksen, Hansen, Banday, Gorski, Lilje
  • AstroPh:0303127 - low WMAP quadrupole from positive curvature? AstroPh:0306431 - significance of low WMAP quadrupole - AstroPh:0310207 - max likelihood analysis gives higher WMAP quadrupole - G. Efstathiou
  • AstroPh:0310186 - standard analysis of WMAP misleading since some assumptions wrong - Antony Lewis
  • AstroPh:0310233 - circles test with WMAP against many torus-like models up to 16.8 h-1Gpc in size - Cornish, Spergel, Starkman, Komatsu
  • AstroPh:0310253 - Poincare dodecahedral model likely from WMAP data - Luminet, Weeks, Riazuelo, Lehoucq, Uzan
  • AstroPh:0402608 - Poincare 11deg circles? - TCfA group
  • AstroPh:0310511 - multipole vector analysis of WMAP data in favour of non-Gaussianity and cross-correlations of fluctuations on scales 2 < l < 8
  • AstroPh:0310542, AstroPh:0310601 - low multipoles in WMAP ILC (internal linear combination) map are non-poissonian and contain foreground residues - P.D. Naselsky, A.G. Doroshkevich, O.V. Verkhodanov
  • HepTh:0311059 Influence of Super-Horizon Scales on Cosmological Observables Generated during Inflation - Matarrese, Musso, Riotto
  • AstroPh:0405544 low multipoles natural (no fudging) from stochastic inflation - M. Liguori, S. Matarrese (Univ. of Padova and INFN), M. Musso (Univ. of Pavia and INFN), A. Riotto
  • AstroPh:0403597 hyperbolic models with long "horns" do not create flat spots; Picard model (hyperbolic) matches WMAP data - Aurich et al.
  • WMAP gossip: http://www.geometrygames.org/ESoS/CosmologyNews.html - see AstroPh:0403353
  • AstroPh:0412407 hyperbolic Picard model matches WMAP 1st year data - R. Aurich, S. Lustig, F. Steiner, H. Then
  • AstroPh:0501189 shape of space post-WMAP review talk, Luminet
  • AstroPh:0511726 Holger Then - Are the existing CMB maps sufficiently accurate for the matched circle test?
  • AstroPh:0601445 Rakic, Rasanen, Schwarz - Microwave sky and the local Rees-Sciama effect - low multiples probably not from Rees-Sciama effect
  • AstroPh:0606266 Campanelli, L.; Cea, P.; Tedesco, L. - Ellipsoidal Universe Can Solve The CMB Quadrupole Problem


  • ArXiv:1103.1466 An improved cosmic crystallography method to detect holonomies in flat spaces - Hirokazu Fujii, Yuzuru Yoshii
  • ArXiv:1104.0015 The Topology and Size of the Universe from the Cosmic Microwave Background (T^3, T^2, T^1, R^3 models) - Grigor Aslanyan, Aneesh V. Manohar

The Missing Fluctuations Problem

  • AstroPh:0403353 low multipoles from Oort cloud (outer solar system)? - Dominik J. Schwarz (CERN), Glenn D. Starkman (CERN, Case Western Reserve University), Dragan Huterer (CWRU), Craig J. Copi
    • AstroPh:0508047 C. J. Copi, D. Huterer, D. J. Schwarz, G. D. Starkman - On the large-angle anomalies of the microwave sky
    • AstroPh:0605135, ArXiv:0808.3767 Copi et al. 2007, 2009
    • AstroPh:0905.3324 Too few spots in the Cosmic Microwave Background - Youness Ayaita, Maik Weber, Christof Wetterich
    • ArXiv:1310.2822 - Two-point Correlation Function of WMAP 9 year data - A.Gruppuso - confirms zero correlation on large scales in WMAP9 data, calculated indirectly (starting from a_{lm}'s)
    • ArXiv:1310.3831 - Lack of large-angle TT correlations persists in WMAP and Planck - Craig J. Copi, Dragan Huterer, Dominik J. Schwarz, Glenn D. Starkman

curvature constraints

  • predictions: How flat can you get? Vardanyan, Trotta, Silk ArXiv:0901.3354

cosmic topology theory (or what might be the start of a theory)

  • GrQc:0310002 Peaks in the Hartle-Hawking Wave Function from Sums over Topologies (some 3-manifolds are much more likely than others) - Anderson, Carlip, Ratcliffe, Surya, Tschantz
  • HepTh:0408164 - Creation of a Compact Topologically Nontrivial Inflationary Universe- Linde
  • ArXiv:1106.0727 Standard model with compactified spatial dimensions - Bartosz Fornal, Mark B. Wise = particle physics approach
  • ArXiv:1107.2557 Topological Casimir effect in compactified cosmic string spacetime Authors: E.R. Bezerra de Mello, A.A. Saharian
  • ArXiv:1110.0611 Topology change in classical and quantum gravity - G.W. Gibbons

cosmic strings - possible detections

early universe physics

  • AstroPh:0502412 metric-affine gravity (MAG) Complementary constraints on non-standard cosmological models from CMB and BBN - Adam Krawiec, Marek Szydlowski, Wlodzimierz Godlowski
  • AstroPh:0306523 inflationary parameters and primordial perturbation spectra - nice intro by David Wands
  • AstroPh:1506.02260 Hysteresis in the Sky - Sayantan Choudhury, Shreya Banerjee - inflation as a hysteresis effect from successive bounce cycles

fundamental physics

extra dimensions

GR vs Newtonian

  • ArXiv:0906.0134 - Geometrical order-of-magnitude estimates for spatial curvature in realistic models of the Universe - Buchert, Ellis, van Elst - Newtonian gravity is inaccurate for open clusters in our Galaxy, and for galaxies in a galaxy cluster
  • ArXiv:1206.1478 Comments on gauge-invariance in cosmology Authors: Karim A. Malik, David R. Matravers

LQC: Loop Quantum Cosmology

  • ArXiv:1108.0893 Loop Quantum Cosmology: A Status Report, Authors: Abhay Ashtekar, Parampreet Singh
  • ArXiv:1201.4543 Aspects of Quantum Gravity in Cosmology, Massimiliano Rinaldi
  • ArXiv:1403.4243 - Emergent Cosmology Revisited - Satadru Bag, Varun Sahni, Yuri Shtanov, Sanil Unnikrishnan

GWaves: gravitational waves

  • ArXiv:1305.0777 - Gravitational waves: a foundational review - J. G. Pereira - fundamental flaw in standard GWave linear theory?

quantum gravity BH bounces

  • ArXiv:2001.00821 - Echoes from the Abyss: A Status Update - Jahed Abedi (AEI, Hannover), Niayesh Afshordi (Waterloo/PI)
    • ArXiv:1612.00266 - Echoes from the Abyss: Tentative evidence for Planck-scale structure at black hole horizons - Jahed Abedi, Hannah Dykaar, Niayesh Afshordi


  • AstroPh:0310764 - observational constraints (OH, HCO+, HI) on evolution of fundamental constants #α, the proton g-factor gp and y=me/mp - Jayaram Chengalur, Nissim Kanekar
  • AstroPh:0211402 - observational constraints on quantisation of time (Planck time, around t=10-43s)
  • GrQc:0301070 - observational constraints on theology wink via gravitational lensing by CTCs (wormholes)
  • AstroPh:0302131 - Meta-Theory of Everything - Max Tegmark - this is fun stuff, but not careful like GFR Ellis et al's analysis AstroPh:0305292
  • GrQc:0307112, GrQc:0211082 - a singularity-free inflationary universe the Emergent Universe - George F.R. Ellis, Jeff Murugan, Christos G. Tsagas, Roy Maartens
  • AstroPh:0305292 - Multiverses and physical cosmology - G.F.R. Ellis, U. Kirchner, W.R. Stoeger - very clear discussion
  • GrQc:0605049 George FR Ellis - Physics in the Real Universe: Time and Spacetime - spacetime viewpoint vs "evolving" (with time) viewpoint
  • ArXiv:0806.0397 J. Ambjorn, J. Jurkiewicz, R. Loll - The Self-Organized de Sitter Universe
  • ArXiv:1111.4595 Big-bounce cosmology with spinor-torsion coupling - Nikodem J. Poplawski
  • ArXiv:1301.1361 From configuration to dynamics -- Emergence of Lorentz signature in classical field theory - Shinji Mukohyama, Jean-Philippe Uzan
  • ArXiv:1306.3021 The Trace-Free Einstein Equations and inflation - George F R Ellis
  • ArXiv:1808.01740 Apparent evidence for Hawking points in the CMB Sky - Daniel An, Krzysztof A. Meissner, Roger Penrose


  • http://de.arxiv.org/abs/physics/0408039 - On Bayesian Treatment of Systematic Uncertainties in Confidence Interval Calculation - Fredrik Tegenfeldt (ISU & CERN), Jan Conrad (CERN) - http://tegen.home.cern.ch/tegen/statistics.html
  • ArXiv:1110.2997 - BAMBI: blind accelerated multimodal Bayesian inference - Philip Graff, Farhan Feroz, Michael P. Hobson, Anthony Lasenby
  • ArXiv:1402.1763 - Matrix-free Large Scale Bayesian inference in cosmology - Jens Jasche, Guilhem Lavaux
  • ArXiv:1903.06682 - Quantifying dimensionality: Bayesian cosmological model complexities - Will Handley, Pablo Lemos
  • ArXiv:1903.11127 - Review paper: Cosmological parameter inference with Bayesian statistics - Luis E. Padilla, Luis O. Tellez, Luis A. Escamilla, J. Alberto Vazquez
  • ArXiv:1903.10860 - Accelerated Bayesian inference using deep learning - Adam Moss
  • ArXiv:2102.09547 - When is tension just a fluctuation? How noisy data affects model comparison - B. Joachimi, F. Köhlinger, W. Handley, P. Lemos - "For a realistic case of cosmological inference from large-scale structure we show that the logarithm of the Bayes factor attains scatter of order unity, increasing significantly with stronger tension between the models under comparison. "


  • ArXiv:1208.3206 A Novel Approach to Visualizing Dark Matter Simulations - Authors: Ralf Kaehler, Oliver Hahn, Tom Abel - (N-body simulations)

fitting formulae

  • ArXiv:1909.02360 - The distance modulus in dark energy and Cardassian cosmologies via the hypergeometric function - Lorenzo Zaninetti

correlation functions

  • ArXiv:2405.02252 - A Parameter-Masked Mock Data Challenge for Beyond-Two-Point Galaxy Clustering Statistics - Beyond-2pt Collaboration: Elisabeth Krause, Yosuke Kobayashi, Andrés N. Salcedo, Mikhail M. Ivanov, Tom Abel, Kazuyuki Akitsu, Raul E. Angulo, ... , Matteo Zennaro

low-carbon astronomy

  • ArXiv:1910.01272 - Astronomy in a Low-Carbon Future - Christopher D. Matzner et al
Topic revision: r94 - 17 May 2024, BoudRoukema
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