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Shape of Universe - discussions with INdependent media

VPRO Jan 2008 seems to be relatively independent

Shape of Universe - discussions with DEpendent media

Science et Vie/Mondadori/Fininvest 2011

Science et Vie / Mondadori / Fininvest

BBC Focus magazine Feb 2008

(dependent or independent? present dependence to BBC unclear; references regarding dependence of the BBC: FCO, UK govt, medialens)

New Scientist Jan 2008

Axel-Springer Feb 2006

See discussion:

questions + proposed reply

> 1. Analysis of the microwave background radiation are the only way
> - I guess - to collect information about the shape of the
> universe. Isn't it risky to draw conclusions resulting from only one
> experiment ?


> 2. Why this is commonly believed, that data from WMAP probe, brought
> down the concept of flat and infinite universe ?


> 3. There are many ideas concerning the shape of the universe. Maybe
> it is like a sphere, cylinder, funnel, but it can also be like bell,
> horn or dodecahedron. Why do you claim that space is
> dodecahedron-like ?


> 4. What are the errors or defects of the idea of horn-like space ?


> 5. Could you in the very easy way explain the expression, that space
> has a shape ?


> 6. Do efforts to establish a shape of the universe have any
> practical meaning or you are doing that just to know ?


> 7. Did universe have a beginning, and ones will have the end ?

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Big_Bang http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ultimate_fate_of_the_universe


UMK media

Topic revision: r10 - 08 Aug 2023, BoudRoukema
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