Upgrade status: done. Please alert the webmaster about any anomalies.

See also:

Stopien Wykładu/Pracowni

(en) proposal

At the moment, this is still experimental, and all feedback from students and faculty is welcome. Just add your comments on this page if they are short, or make a new page if they are long.

What is a fair method to decide on grades?

Students have two options: wiki goals or oral exam

oral exam

Students who prefer to have an oral exam (common in UMK) may choose this. This is (necessarily) subjective, even though the lecturer makes his/her best attempt at being objective. Since there is no audio recording, any later disagreements regarding unfair assessment would be very difficult to correct. However, the student has the right to choose this (standard) method.

wiki goals

Each student writes 5 goals (aims) on his/her TWikiUsers page, for example (these are only examples, you may add other examples you think are appropriate).

  • learn to use the octave software
  • write a subroutine for an astronomical formula which is not yet in http://www.octave.org
  • get a new astronomical formula accepted for the octave distribution
  • translate some octave documentation to po polsku
  • learn to use and modify some other package of astronomical software
  • on the http://pl.wikipedia.org write/translate a page on an astronomical subject and put a link to free software (in the sense of http://www.gnu.org)
    • these pages should include physical quantities and algebraic or calculus expressions as appropriate: physics without intuition is boring and maybe wrong, but intuition without clearly defined symbolic, mathematical expressions is not physics
    • DysksusjaCzyPotrzebaBycWyrazenieSymboliczne
  • DyskusjaKsiazkaJakPunkt - Can reading a popular astronomy book count as a point?
  • Uczaj coś interesujący na Europejski Astrophysical Observatory, jak korzystać z danymi wirtualnymi, tzn. integrowanymi od wiele z największymi teleskopami w świecie - Uważaj! To też jest twiki społeczeństwa astronomicznego - jeśli znaleźć błęd lub możesz napisać coś konstruktywnego, bardzo proszę i witam! - http://www.euro-vo.org/twiki/bin/view/Avo/WebHome

The principle is self-assessment. So each student writes a comment like "done" when the goal is achieved. If 5 goals are done, then that's a grade of 5.

We will retain some dictatorship. The lecturer (BoudRoukema) has the right to make constructive criticism of the goals, and, theoretically, may veto a goal, but must do this publicly, i.e. on the student's zwicky page.

It might (in fact almost certainly! will) happen that some goals are too difficult, some are too easy, so you might want to change them. It's probably reasonable that some points become a description of what you have done instead of what you planned to do, and also that a big task is subdivided into small tasks. The important thing is whether you have learnt something related to the aim of the course: mathematical methods in astronomy.

MathMethods 2004

The 2004 course is shared between BoudRoukema (BR) and Michał Hanasz (MH), so students only need two and a half points for the stopień from Boud, or equivalently five points each from boud and michał.

Since most students wish to learn WikipediaPl:OTW, it would be reasonable that the points relate to understanding WikipediaPl:OTW.

Weto na stopien lub nie

Czy Michal ma weto na stopien?

As of early July 2004, there was some misunderstanding between Boud and Michał regarding how to combine the marks.

It seems that Boud prefers:
      wynik(i) = (MH(i)+BR(i))/2

where MH(i) and BR(i) are a mark out of 5 given by Michał and Boud respectively,

and Michał prefers to have a veto over the grade from Boud's part:

c     == dla student  i ==
      wynik(i)= ( MH(i) + BR(i) )/2.0

c     == ale ==
      if( (MH(i).le.2.0) .or. (MHsign(i).eq."-") ) then
c     == jednak ==
         if(poprawkowy_kolokwium_zaliczeniowy.eq. .true.)then
            MH(i)= poprawki(i)
            wynik(i)= ( MH(i) + BR(i) )/2.0

Discussion 07.09.2004 Boud + Michał: It seems that we had a misunderstanding at the beginning, and that Michał intended that we both have a veto over the marks of any student. No students (or students' representatives) have made any comments so far AFAIK. Unless students organise themselves and decide they need to defend their right to have a mark from me + zero from Michał, and can convince Michał of this, then Michał's veto is valid. -- BoudRoukema - 07 Sep 2004

24.09.2004: Now only one student has not passed Michał's half, so Michał's veto only affects that student. i (boud) will not veto any students' grades, even though they have not passed my half. They are adults who can make decisions as they like. Moreover, i have an obligation to use the grading system which i proposed to the best of my ability. -- BoudRoukema - 24 Sep 2004

However, probably the easiest thing to do is to do the catch-up exam and to study the material:

(pl) propozycja

jeszcze nie tłumaczony - możesz zrobić jeśli chcesz!

the old version of this page in 2003 was ZWiki:StopienWykladu
Topic revision: r7 - 24 Sep 2004, BoudRoukema
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