You can get a grade of up to a maximum of 5.0 points from WIMS exercises:
is the percentage done for a given "sheet" - let us normalise this to the range from 0.0 i 1.0
is the "quality" - in the range from 0.0 to 1.0; the power of 0.3 implies that the effect of is weak unless the "quality" parameter is very low
how to check your current score:
My scores
Global average: something out of 5. Here, something is your total amount of points
The formula for a single exercise done m times, is po m razy, gdzie , which is in the range from 0.0 to 1.0. This is a decaying average, with . In other words, the most recent tries at a realisation of an exercise have the most influence on the score for that exercise.
Chromium/Chrome bug: As of 2020 to 2024, chromium/chrome browser software has a bug that prevents the display of some of the exercises. Firefox is one browser without the bug.