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Statistics for Main Web

Month: Topic
Most popular
topic views:
Top contributors for
topic save and uploads:
Mar 2012 968 0 0  98 WebHome
 68 WebCreateNewTopic
 49 WikiUsers
 25 WebSearch
 14 BoudRoukema
 14 MacierzWektor
 13 EdytaPawlowska
 10 WebStatistics
  9 WikiGroups
  9 WebPreferences
  9 ProjectContributor
Feb 2012 25393 55 0 11727 WebSearch
4239 WebCreateNewTopic
718 WebHome
207 WikiUsers
112 WebStatistics
 99 WebChanges
 95 BoudRoukema
 59 ProjectContributor
 47 WikiGroups
 46 AgaF
 42 WebIndex
 18 WikiGuest
 18 RegistrationAgent
 12 BoudRoukema
  4 BogdanKrysztal
  2 KrzysztofKoOwrocki
  1 ScarlettB
Jan 2012 9385 0 0 1785 WebCreateNewTopic
761 WebHome
115 WebStatistics
 88 WebIndex
 87 WebChanges
 83 WebSearch
 70 WikiUsers
 63 ProjectContributor
 54 BoudRoukema
 52 LondonOffice
 50 HistoriaKosmologii
Dec 2011 14715 0 0 3332 WebCreateNewTopic
749 WebHome
176 WebSearch
 90 BoudRoukema
 85 WebIndex
 78 WikiUsers
 73 WebChanges
 67 ProjectContributor
 62 BurzeSłoneczne
 61 WebStatistics
 57 WebNotify
Nov 2011 14396 6 0 3831 WebCreateNewTopic
900 WebHome
358 WebSearch
184 WikiUsers
 84 BoudRoukema
 71 WebStatistics
 60 WebChanges
 58 ProjectContributor
 56 WebIndex
 52 BurzeSłoneczne
 52 WikiGuest
  2 WikiGuest
  2 RegistrationAgent
  2 BoudRoukema
Oct 2011 18498 0 0 5965 WebCreateNewTopic
685 WebHome
224 WikiUsers
214 WebSearch
 93 WebStatistics
 75 BoudRoukema
 72 EdytaPawlowska
 72 ProjectContributor
 68 JerrellLaviolette
 65 PawelWolak
 58 WebIndex
Sep 2011 21111 17 0 8479 WebCreateNewTopic
864 WebHome
151 WebSearch
120 WikiUsers
 71 BoudRoukema
 68 WebStatistics
 64 ProjectContributor
 63 WebChanges
 57 WikiGroups
 57 WebIndex
 55 GroupTemplate
  9 BoudRoukema
  4 WikiGuest
  4 RegistrationAgent
Aug 2011 20963 16 0 6648 WebCreateNewTopic
3549 WebHome
154 WikiUsers
141 WebSearch
 90 WebStatistics
 61 WebIndex
 61 ProjectContributor
 59 MiroslawSztramski
 59 WebNotify
 56 BoudRoukema
 55 TWikiUsers
  8 BoudRoukema
  4 WikiGuest
  4 RegistrationAgent
Jul 2011 14026 0 0 1973 WebCreateNewTopic
1271 WebHome
329 WebSearch
 79 WikiUsers
 69 BoudRoukema
 69 WebStatistics
 67 WebSearchAdvanced
 65 MiroslawSztramski
 63 WikiGroups
 61 JohnTalintyre
 58 OsobliwosciWKosmologiiIAstrofizyceRelatywistycznej
Jun 2011 11227 0 0 1017 WebCreateNewTopic
447 WebHome
195 WebSearch
110 WikiUsers
 97 BoudRoukema
 92 WebStatistics
 80 ProjectContributor
 59 HistoriaKosmologii
 59 WikiGroups
 54 WikiGuest
 53 NiestabilnoscGrawitacyjna
May 2011 9024 0 0 1763 WebCreateNewTopic
575 WebHome
110 WebChanges
 84 ProjectContributor
 81 WebTopicList
 74 BoudRoukema
 67 WebStatistics
 66 WebSearch
 66 WebNotify
 60 WikiUsers
 56 WebPreferences
Apr 2011 10008 0 0 2054 WebCreateNewTopic
533 WebHome
 95 BoudRoukema
 82 WebStatistics
 80 ProjectContributor
 74 WikiUsers
 63 WebSearch
 60 WebNotify
 59 WebChanges
 58 WebTopicList
 47 WebPreferences
Mar 2011 16274 8 0 3914 WebHome
2430 WebCreateNewTopic
 99 BoudRoukema
 91 WebSearch
 85 ProjectContributor
 85 WikiUsers
 83 WebStatistics
 70 WebChanges
 67 WebNotify
 59 WikiGroups
 54 WebTopicList
  4 AdminUser
  4 RegistrationAgent
Feb 2011 14488 50 0 1432 WebHome
1146 WebCreateNewTopic
129 WikiUsers
118 ProjectContributor
116 WebSearch
 99 WebChanges
 97 BoudRoukema
 85 WebStatistics
 83 WebPreferences
 79 WebSearchAdvanced
 73 WikiGroups
 19 AdminUser
 19 RegistrationAgent
  4 BoudRoukema
  3 KrzysztofMatuszewski
  3 MarekMarchlewicz
  1 RafalRybnik
  1 PiotrAbramowicz
Jan 2011 8795 0 0 664 WebHome
662 WebCreateNewTopic
154 ProjectContributor
110 BoudRoukema
 85 WikiUsers
 74 WebPreferences
 68 WebStatistics
 55 WikiGroups
 55 SitePreferences
 53 WebChanges
 53 WirstName
Dec 2010 6807 0 0 584 WebCreateNewTopic
570 WebHome
 68 WebIndex
 63 WikiUsers
 62 BoudRoukema
 54 WebChanges
 52 WebStatistics
 51 WebNotify
 51 ProjectContributor
 47 WebPreferences
 44 WikiGroups
Nov 2010 10010 0 0 724 WebCreateNewTopic
670 WebHome
209 WebStatistics
175 MaciejG
 89 PawelKoziatek
 85 BoudRoukema
 85 WebSearch
 81 ProgramEuler
 81 ProGramy
 79 AgnieszkaB
 76 WikiUsers
Oct 2010 22065 14 0 941 WebHome
886 WebCreateNewTopic
118 BoudRoukema
115 WikiUsers
104 ModelGorącegoWszechświata
104 WebSearch
 99 AdminGroup
 97 WebStatistics
 89 CezaryMigaszewski
 88 BurzeSłoneczne
 88 MonikaPazdzioch
  7 BoudRoukema
  3 AdminUser
  3 RegistrationAgent
  1 TomaszKazimierczak
Sep 2010 24729 4 0 4175 WebCreateNewTopic
3296 WebHome
101 WebSearch
 98 ModelGorącegoWszechświata
 80 BarbaraDembińska
 79 MichalFrackowiak
 78 WebPreferences
 77 PawełLewandowski
 77 WebStatistics
 75 BoudRoukema
 75 GroupTemplate
  4 BoudRoukema
Aug 2010 7098 0 0 1394 WebHome
620 WebCreateNewTopic
 36 JadwigaSafaryn
 36 WebPreferences
 35 BoudRoukema
 35 WebChanges
 33 WebTopicList
 32 WikiGroups
 29 WebStatistics
 28 WebSearch
 26 SredniaGestosc
Jul 2010 5996 2 0 3001 WebHome
1191 WebCreateNewTopic
 32 BoudRoukema
 23 WebTopicList
 20 WebChanges
 19 SitePreferences
 19 WebSearch
 18 WikiGroups
 17 WebPreferences
 16 WebStatistics
 15 JadwigaSafaryn
  1 AdminUser
  1 RegistrationAgent
Jun 2010 9863 0 0 4938 WebHome
1045 WebCreateNewTopic
 33 WebIndex
 27 WebSearch
 27 WebStatistics
 26 WebTopicList
 26 BoudRoukema
 23 SredniaGestosc
 21 WebChanges
 18 SakweR
 18 ModelGorącegoWszechświata
May 2010 11305 8 0 8554 WebHome
433 WebCreateNewTopic
 36 BoudRoukema
 32 SakweR
 28 SredniaGestosc
 27 WebPreferences
 26 WebStatistics
 26 WebNotify
 25 WebSearch
 24 WebTopicList
 24 WebIndex
  7 SakweR
  1 BoudRoukema
Apr 2010 11579 0 0 9214 WebHome
476 WebCreateNewTopic
 38 BoudRoukema
 37 WebSearch
 25 MajaK
 24 EndriuLepper
 23 WebStatistics
 22 WikiGuest
 18 UnknownUser
 16 TWikiUsers
 16 PawelKoziatek
Mar 2010 7170 15 0 3400 WebHome
2883 WebCreateNewTopic
 48 WebSearch
 17 BoudRoukema
 16 AdminGroup
 10 WirstName
  9 PoliKarp
  9 IskanderAniketos
  9 SitePreferences
  9 WebStatistics
  9 WikiUsers
 12 BoudRoukema
  2 AdminUser
  1 RegistrationAgent

  • Do not edit this topic, it is updated automatically. (You can also force an update)
  • Site tools tells you how to enable the automatic updates of the statistics.
  • Suggestion: You could archive this topic once a year and delete the previous year's statistics from the table.
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Topic revision: r3209 - 06 Mar 2012, WikiGuest
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