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<< Cosmo

Cosmic Topology


The Poincare dodecahedral space better explains the WMAP 3 year observations than the infinite flat model. RBSG08 image We proposed a method that involves a cross-correlation function - this uses more information than the original identified circles method. An optimal cross-correlation appears to be a stable solution, and finds a twist angle of close to +36 degrees. Three-torus CMB + 3D quadruples methods:
  • ArXiv:1302.4425 - Deep redshift topological lensing: strategies for the T^3 candidate - MNRAS URL - Roukema, France, Kazimierczak, Buchert (2013)

theoretical work

The Poincare dodecahedral space is much better balanced, in the sense of the interaction between topology and gravity called the residual gravity effect, than other spaces.


People in our group presently working on cosmic topology subjects include:

older work

press releases

courses that include some cosmic topology content

-- BoudRoukema - 14 Jul 2010
Topic revision: r7 - 17 Nov 2013, BoudRoukema
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