(english below)
Serdecznie zapraszamy kolegów w/lub blisko Polski zainteresowanych badaniami kosmologicznymi na małe spotkanie w Centrum Astronomii UMK, w piątek i sobotę 19-20 maja br. Głownym celem spotkania jest, aby rozmaite grupy kosmologów w Polsce poznały się wzajemnie, wiedziały czym zajmują się inni i ewentualnie podjęły współpracę. Kolegów z innych krajów oraz tych, którzy zajmują się fizyką cząstek, serdecznie witamy. Jeśli będą obecne osoby nie mówiące po polsku, zalecanym na spotkaniu będzie język angielski.
Potwierdzone są wykłady Marka Biesiady (U Śląsk), Mariusza Dąbrowskiego (U Szczecin), Włodka Godłowskiego (OA-UJagelloński), Andrzeja Mareckiego (UMK Toruń), Bouda Roukemy (UMK Toruń), Agnieszki Szaniewskiej (UMK Toruń)
Proszę wysyłać ogłoszenie dalej do osób, które mogłyby byc zainteresowane uczestnictwem w spotkaniu.
We warmly invite people in or near Poland interested in
cosmology research to a small meeting organised at the Toruń
Centre for Astronomy, UMK, Friday-Saturday 19-20 May 2006.
The main aim is for
people in the Polish cosmology community
to become more familiar with each other's research. International colleagues
and particle physicists are welcome to participate. If
non-Polish speaking colleagues are present, then the use of
English will be recommended.
Confirmed speakers include: Marek Biesiada (Univ Silesia),
Mariusz Dąbrowski (Univ Szczecin), Włodek Godłowski (OA-Jagellonian University, Krakow),
Andrzej Marecki (UMK Torun), Boud Roukema (UMK Torun),
Agnieszka Szaniewska (UMK Torun)
Please redistribute this announcement as appropriate.
Pozdrawiam serdecznie
Local Organising Committee

cosmo torun pl (publicly archived mailing list)
We request all participants to register by Friday 5 May 2006. There is
no registration cost.
You may use
either email
or twiki. This applies to both speakers and other participants, except that non-speaking participants may omit title and abstract.
Either (1) email
Send an email to
cosmo-spotka with name, institution, title, abstract. (This is a publicly archived mailing list.)
or (2) twiki
Go to, register as a twiki user, and add name, institution, title, abstract to the program. Non-speakers should add their information to the "other participants" section.
Registration Step 2: Subscribe to the announcement mailing list
Go to, choose a language, and follow the instructions to
subscribe yourself
to the cosmo-pl mailing list. Announcements concerning the meeting will be sent to this list. Following the conference
you may unsubscribe yourself from the list or remain subscribed as you wish.
Many rooms are available at the University Hotel at 20-30 euro/night if you book early as a "university guest". See for more information, including information on other hotels in Toruń.
Scientific Organising Committee
M. Biesiada, M. Dąbrowski, W. Godłowski, A. Marecki, B. Roukema, A. Szaniewska have participated so far in scientific organising.
You are welcome to help organise by subscribing to and emailing on or by editing the twiki. Note the difference between the two lists:
cosmo-spotka is for organising (lots of discussion),
cosmo-pl is a
low-volume list for brief announcements.
cosmo-pl announcements
see also
old stuff:
CosmoPlMeeting2006OldStuff - LOC working page: